Canning/Preserving Produce

Greetings fellow Titus 2 sisters! 

In this post I am simply sharing what I do. 

There are different methods worldwide I'm sure but this is the one that I have access to here in Australia. There are the standard Mason type jars here too but I don't have experience with those. 

This is called the Fowler's Vacola canner which is a type of water bath canner. You just put in the jars, fill with water, plug it into the power, and turn it on. This unit we have is like 25 years old or something and still going. You can just use a large stockpot too I believe but you will have to do your research on that as I haven't tried it. 

It consists of jars, rings, lids, and clips. 

This post is by no means an in depth one about such processes. 

Here I am sharing how I canned tomatoes this year.

Wash thoroughly... 

Roma type tomatoes are best but any kind is fine too I think. I don't bother peeling them but you can if you like (by putting them in boiling water for a few minutes first and then removing the skins). 

Trim off any blemishes etc. 

Here I am blending the tomatoes (which I roughly chopped) in a food processor and then heating them. 

I found it didn't really work to just blend and can them. The heat pushes out all the air that is introduced during blending. I think it's the best way as you can fit more in each jar and it's the most likely way you will want to be using them later on anyway in meat dishes or in making tomato soup. If you don't have a food processor you can just chop them smaller and can. 

You will want to scrape off all that foam on top... 
Just bring to a simmer for a few minutes and that should do. 

Pour into prepared jars leaving a few centimetres gap at the top... 

Now they say you should add some acid to prevent issues with bacteria growth in the jars. 

I add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per jar and also about half a teaspoon of salt (which is optional). Stir this in or put it in first before the tomatoes. 

So for the correct ratio...add 1 Tbsp of bottled lemon juice per two cups. You can also use citric acid instead at the rate of 1/4 tsp per two cups. (you can research this online to be sure if you like) 

Wipe around the top of the jars if there is any spillage on it. Put on lids and clips and add to unit. 

Cover with water and switch on the unit for an hour (or until starting to boil which you don't want really)

Drain hot water (I do it into a metal bucket and pour it onto weeds to kill them:-) Or save for the next batch though it should be cold water you're using. Then carefully remove jars with an oven mitt or you can buy a special tongs or something I think. 

You let the jars sit for a day or so and then remove the clips and make sure the seal has worked. The lids should be tight and slightly concave. You can label and then store in a cool dark place. 

Another thing I can is pears when we have surplus which isn't every year. I simply peel and chop them and add water (and remove air bubbles with a skewer). You can add sugar syrup if you like but they are just fine without. And you can can pear or apple sauce too etc. 

(older pear sauce picture...yum:-)

Water bath canning is only for fruits as far as I know as they are acidic (tomatoes being a type of fruit but needing a little help of lemon juice to be further acidic.). And you can can things like pickles and such like which have a lot of vinegar etc. You can find online specific recipes etc too as you do have to make sure of the safety of canning as we don't want to make anyone sick. 

So maybe that gave you some ideas on what you can do to put up surplus provisions that the Lord provided you! I am by no means an expert on the matter but I just learn to do what I can with what's in front of me. And I am sharing here too for if it helps. 

She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. 

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. 

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Proverbs 31:16-17,27

Have a joyous day! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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