Today's Encouragement (18 November 2022)


Hello sisters!

And greetings in love and truth to you all! 


This is a new day we have been given to live for Him! And we want to take that responsibility well and use it for God's glory don't we! And I know sometimes we can think life is going along pretty well and how will we react when a new situation comes in front of us we haven't faced before. I do at least but I just have to have that ready mind to always think in the Spirit and not the flesh etc. And the Lord will help us make wise decisions too. And sometimes we can just be quiet for awhile and ponder and pray about a situation. But ones that come fast upon us...well we do the best we can and I'm sure we'll learn what we should! God knows our hearts and motives. 

I hope all my sisters are going along well and striving on! I'm sure you're occupied in many good Titus 2 duties. I know I hear from several of you who are! And we know God has His saints all over the world shining where He has them! We are not alone few though we may be. One day there shall be a great harvest and seperation and we, His wheat, shall be gathered with the Lord! How awesome and precious! 

Here's some scriptures a sister shared... 

And we were also talking about the fact that there are many aspects of His Word to look at. For example one time we may look at that scripture and focus on the peace that passes understanding. And another time focus on the fact of it keeping our hearts and minds in Christ. So much depth to dig into in His Word. It truly is a treasure hunt and as another sister can seem doubly precious seeing His Word of truth for what it really says and not twisted by man. 

And I share this scripture to encourage my sisters to trust in Him! 

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

Hebrews 13:5-6

Amen sisters...let us do that boldly and without shame! What a precious thing to be a partaker with Him! He did so much for us! 

Well I guess that's it. I've had a simple day of animal and garden work and other bits and pieces and fellowship with sisters. I'm blessed to have some godly sisters in my life who love the Lord as I do and strive to obey Him and walk in all truth! 

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

Amen! And I praise you godly sisters who fear the Lord! 

Hold fast...until He comes or we go to be with Him! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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