Chicken Curry

Greetings in love to my Titus 2 sisters, 

Here I want to share a recipe that I appreciate being able to use up home grown tomatoes and onions in. It's very customizable so this is just what I did and it works out great although I've never made it 2 times the same. 

This is like an Indian type dish but I don't add the hot spice but you definitely could with chili powder or cayenne pepper. 

This recipe serves about 6.

8 large tomatoes, roughly chopped 

3 tblsp tomato paste

2 or so medium onions, roughly chopped 

1 tsp garlic (either powder or fresh minced) 

1 tsp ginger powder

1 tsp garam masala

3 tsp cumin powder 

3 tsp coriander powder 

Or you could omit all the different spices and use just curry powder (however much you like) instead. I hope to try that first before stating it's possible here. But I need to wait until we get chicken as it isn't very often (at least not this type). 

2 tsp salt

1-2 tsp sugar or alternative

Chicken thigh or breast fillets, chopped into bite sized pieces about 1 kg (2lb) 

1 cup dry red lentils

1 can coconut cream (or could use plain yoghurt, butter, cream or sour cream instead I'm sure) 

Add all ingredients (except chicken, lentils, and coconut cream) in a food processor. Or you could chop the veggies really fine if you don't have one. 

Add to the slow cooker then add the chicken. 

Cook on high until chicken is tender which will be about 5 hours. Can stop it shorter whenever the chicken is cooked through. Or turn on low for longer. 

Add the red lentils half way through... 

Add the coconut cream towards the end and allow to heat back up... 

Serve on a bed of rice... 

Or with bread or whatever really! 

Praise God for healthy delicious foods that we get to cook for others and ourselves. We all have different circumstances and lives we sisters live in but we are called to be faithful with what we do have. always seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. 

Hope my sisters Titus 2 duties including your cooking goes well! 

Hold fast in the faith! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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