Zucchini Boats

Greetings Titus 2 sisters! 

Here's yet another zucchini recipe! 

You can practically make the filling any way you like it as long as it's reasonably dry and not too wet. This one I made up for here but there's many different ways you can do it of course. 

5 small zucchinis

500g beef mince/ground (or whatever you like) 

1 large onion finely chopped 

4 garlic cloves 

Half red capsicum/pepper

5 tbsp tomato paste

Cheese, grated

Basil and salt (to taste) 

Slice the zucchinis lengthwise and scoop out the seed area. Place in a large baking dish. 

Keep the zucchini flesh aside and chop roughly. 

Fry onion till soft then add garlic, capsicum, zucchini flesh, and meat. Fry until the meat is cooked through. Add the tomato paste and basil. Let it simmer to thicken if it is too liquid. 

Fill the boats with the meat mixture and then top with grated cheese. 

Bake in a moderate oven for about half an hour or until zucchini is soft. 

Delicious blessings! 

I hope you're living by every Word of God most of all! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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