Today's Encouragement (23 May 2023)


Greetings sisters!

I hope all is well in your life wherever you are! I'm keeping busy here and occupying in good works for godly women. 

I had early morning travel.... 

That's a swan hurrying to get out of the way of the ferry. I'm back to the children's place and helping with house work etc for several days. 

Next scripture reading for you... 

Thank you faithful sister for these... 

Yes we know that's coming don't we when all will bow to our Saviour. God alone will be exalted and all the pride of man put down. But we want to live humble and submitted to Him today and looking forward to His coming. 

Yeah...we don't want any part with that which is an abomination to our holy God. 

One day there will be a great harvest...that we know and then a final separation. We want to be found in God's peace don't we. 

We sisters want to be united in giving Him glory don't we! And that's not just words is it but how we live our life every day. He has done all things well and is such a merciful and good God that we don't deserve. 

Hold fast sisters and Lord willing I'll be back here tomorrow!

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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