Today's Encouragement (17 April 2023)

Hello sisters!

How are you going wherever you are? Hope you're strong and standing in this evil generation. 

Thank you sister for these... 

Amen let us magnify and lift up Him and that will also help put any of our 'issues' into place. He is worthy! 

Yes let's keep fearing this mighty God who has power to cast into hell. But we can know His love if we are abiding in Him. But we still want to make sure we are pleasing and acceptable to Him don't we. 

Next scripture reading to edify... 

Pretty afternoon sunshine through the flowers... 

Always peaceful things to find in His creation. 

Garden work today... 

That can be another peaceful thing to do! 

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3

Yeah we love to be that don't we, and being misunderstood by the world and thought foolish and such by them makes me feel that way. God knows all things sisters doesn't He...that's comforting. We need Him and it doesn't matter what man says or thinks about us after all! 

Hold fast to truth sisters! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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