Aline Skirt Tutorial


Greetings godly sisters! 

Today I'm sharing another skirt tutorial. This time it's an aline one. These are pretty simple to sew. Slightly harder than the gathered skirt I have here. (I also have a shirt sewing tutorial here if you're interested.) 

This is just a rough 'how to' for those who already know how to sew the basics. My other tutorials have more general sewing details. 

I share this sketch as a rough guide to work with... 

Take the hip measurement and add about 10 cm (4 inches) and divide by 4. Add the hem and waist allowance (of your choice with whatever elastic width etc you chose) to the desired skirt length you want for the cut length. I find for the skirt hem circumference 50cm (20 iinches) is a good minimum but around 55cm (22 inches) may be best. 

Cut 2 pieces on the fold... 

The bottom will look like this... 

Because you're measuring on an angle from the top it has a curve at the outer edge. 

If adding pockets cut 4 and finish curved seams... 

You can easily draft your own pocket pattern piece if you don't have one... 

It just needs to have a straight edge to sew onto the garment and then be hand-shaped pretty much. 

Attach pockets to skirt, right sides together, and about 8 cm down from the top (depending also on your waist allowance)... 

Stitch in place... 

Finish the edges of all four skirt side seams. 

Put both skirt pieces with right sides together matching up pockets... 

Sew down the side seams and around the pocket edges. 

Do the waistband and hem as preferred. 

And there, it's done! 

It's a great blessing being able to sew biblical clothing! Hope that helps! 

In His love, 

Sister Chayil 

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