Today's Encouragement (7 November 2022)

Hello sister saints!

How are you all on this day?! 

It was a beautiful day for travel here (going to help look after the children again)... 

And a really peaceful evening... 

Glory to God the Creator for it all! 

I share some older scripture pictures to edify and encourage us in His Word! 

I love all those! Praise God for His Word! And creations! 

Thank you sister for the scripture today... 

I love that it says...every one of you. Let's all be diligent in this life in Christ! We know only such souls will make it to eternal life! 

Well I must go but Lord willing I shall be back with some encouragement tomorrow. Hold fast one more day sister saints...and the next and the next but we don't have those days yet! One day at a time sisters!

In Christ's love

Sister Michaela 

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