New Things


Greetings sister saints! 

I'm back in this day in our lives in the Lord! Hope yours is going well and you're striving on. So many things to remember sisters isn't there. We sort out our thoughts according to the Word don't we. That is where we find rock solid truth to stand on! It says all things work for good for those who love Him. It says we will be persecuted and hated and not loved by the world. It says our life is in heaven and our kingdom is not down here. It says to rejoice in trials. If we are feeling down...we only need to get ourselves straightened out by reading His truth in His Word. And of course we deal with anything in our lives we need to but His Word has all the answers we need doesn't it! 

Thank you sister for this scripture picture. 

I love thinking about that. And it's how we saints feel also when someone repents and finds new life in Christ or someone who repents from straying from the narrow road too. I'm sure satan is mad but there is joy in heaven! 

We know it's so few, those on the narrow road. Not because all can't come but we know the heart of man is wicked and it is a narrow way and one of losing our lives for our Master's sake. Let's keep pressing on with a seriousness about it all sisters. Don't let anyone lie to us and say we don't have to be striving in this life in Christ. We don't listen to those who say we just need to lighten up a bit and God doesn't care what we do (our works) anymore. We hear the voice of our Shepherd...through His Word...don't we. 

I thought of the concept of some of the new things we have and are in Christ! So I read some scriptures to remind and encourage us in that! Hope it blesses you! 

(That picture is the view where I was reading them. So peaceful.)

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
Revelation 21:5

Amen praise God for all He has done and will do! Let us give our lives for such a worthy God! 

Hope your good Titus 2 works are going well. 

I did a lot of work on this skirt today and got it done! 

And I'm sure you're all labouring in your duties the Lord has you in! God is good to us isn't He sisters! What a joy to know and serve Him! 

Hold fast sister! Keep marching on! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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