Today's Encouragement (8 March 2022)

Hello sisters!

Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

Jude 1:2

Amen and I say the same to you! We know our God is so merciful and if we are in Him we can be in peace with Him and have His peace. And we can know the love of God as His saints and have love one towards another. 

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Matthew 5:7

And let us have mercy one towards we too can obtain mercy. 

I made an audio and read some scriptures to edify and encourage us sisters. The picture was as the sun was setting as I read them.

I hope that blessed you! God's Word is always relevant and true and it's what we live by in this world where there is so much deception and we can't trust in anything else really. 

Oh I was going to mention that I was reading in 1 Kings 13 and something that happened in that chapter really helps you to see that we must only go by God's Word and not what anyone says that may seem or sound like it's from God. You can go read it for yourself if you like but in short a man of God is obeying God but then a prophet comes to him with a so called 'message from God' (lying) and tells him to do what God told him not to. And then this man dies for his disobedience to God. Let us sisters not let anyone sway us from God's Word that we have. We may be thought of as 'too strict' by holding, first ourselves and then expecting others who claim Christ's name, to obedience to God's Word without any compromise. Keep pressing on sisters in the Word of God that we have...we need nothing 'new'. 

A few pictures from my day... 

...which was mostly sewing, and some house work and cooking the evening meal. 

How was your day? Or maybe it's just I hope it goes well! It is a blessing to be godly women and go about our days doing good works, minding our own business, working with our hands in it all. It glorifies the Lord and we know it's Him that we are seeking to please...not man. 

And I share this scripture picture from a faithful sister saint... 

Isn't that awesome! 

I must go but I hope to be back tomorrow. 

Hold fast to the Word and the doctrines taught in it sisters! And hope you can go about your duties with contentment, thankfulness and peace and joy in our Saviour who has overcome the world! 

Love to you in the Lord,

Sister Michaela

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