Tomato Soup


Hello Titus 2 sisters! 

I'm back with a recipe to share with my fellow godly women who are serving others with cooking good foods that the Lord provides...or cooking for yourself. 

I have tomato soup I'm sharing about today. It's great for if you have a surplus of fresh tomatoes from the garden, but it can be made with tinned tomatoes also. 

This may not be an 'exact' recipe but just an idea for something that works. There's a great variety of ways we can do things and this is just one. 

Here I'm using the basics of tomatoes, onions, and butter... 

And you really can use different amounts of things especially if you're used to experimenting with such things. This is quite a large batch I am making which would serve about 10 people. 

So these pictures just show rough amounts... 

Quite a bit of butter is good. But I'm sure you can use olive oil or coconut oil or something instead of butter too. 

Roughly chop onions and tomatoes. 

I melted the butter in the pan (with the onions) before adding the rest of the ingredients but I'm sure it's fine too if you put it all together. 

Add stock... 

You don't really need much water for this as the tomato has a lot in. Depends if you want a thicker or thinner soup. I used about 4 cups for this large pot but 2 or 3 cups would be fine too. 

And add a teaspoon or two of salt. 

Simmer until well cooked. This may be about 45 minutes but depends on the size of the batch. 

Then blend... 

As this has fresh tomatoes it cannot be completely smooth because of the skins and seeds. You can always remove the tomato skins by placing them in boiling water before chopping. 

Serve with milk and toast...or whatever. Good and healthy blessings the Lord provides. 

There are other ingredients you can add if you like. Things such as basil, garlic, a bit of sugar, sour cream or cream, or potatoes or zucchini. That's one good thing about soup you can add whatever really. 

And let's remember also this is just our physical food...but there's something greater we ought to be feeding on and living for. And that is Christ and His Word which leads to eternal life. 

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 4:4

Let's remember this too...

But godliness with contentment is great gain. 

For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 

And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

1 Timothy 6:6-8

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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