Travel and Seeking First the Kingdom

What a wonderful verse. Praise the Lord for His wisdom that is high above man's wisdom. And we can have His wisdom given to us if we ask, and read and study His truth in the Word. I'm grateful that we don't need to battle alone in our flesh. We have the Spirit if we are born again in Him.


We have got to the final month of the year! We do not know what the future holds...but we can and must trust it to God. 

Finally after many months of state border restrictions and closures due to covid, I (and my mother) was able to travel home with no need to quarantine or get covid tested. It's been full on busy looking after young ones and doing most of the housework but I have enjoyed it even though it was exhausting. 

It was a long days drive with various scenery but mostly country driving once we had left the hectic city freeways. 

A few mountains and hills... 

...flat country

...a roadside fire that had just been put out. 

And lots of open cropping country...with farmers harvesting crops and huge piles of grain at the silos. Praise the Father for that bounty!

And then we got to our state border....

Even though it is officially open from today, we still had to fill in forms and stop and be allowed through by police.  

Anyway, that's what they will do to try to stop the virus...but I hope they are being as prepared to meet their God. I know they're not sadly...if only they heeded this verse (and many others). 

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
(Matthew 10:28)

Praise God, a virus cannot kill our soul!

We need to fear God, sisters, not man or our circumstances. 

Watching the sun set...

And finally, the short ferry trip across the river. You know you only have an hour to go to home from there. 

And praise the Lord we made it safely home. 


I have so much to think about and I hope to settle back into "a routine" here after awhile. It will feel strange for a while...but I want to keep this truth in mind... 

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
(Matthew 6:33)

Yes may that be us sisters in a world of unbelief and lukewarmness...seeking first God's kingdom. 

In my situation as a born again believer, in a large family of differing beliefs, and then surrounded as we all are in the world by a great many varieties of religions and atheists etc, you have to know what God's Word teaches. I often think about how great faith one has to have to get through this life. This simple life of godliness is thought of as foolishness to those unredeemed. 

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
(1 Corinthians 1:18)

The power of God... 

...that is what we are to show to the world, as godly women, that we don't have to live in weakness and the flesh but can overcome in Him. 

Yes I think that I do have a lot of hard things to face ahead. If I look at them I don't know how I will overcome. But I am looking at the problem and not at Christ or what He taught in His Word. I just read 2 Thessalonians 3 and it blessed me, as well as verse 16 here. 

"Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all." 

Press on in His strength...we won't make it on our own...there's no way. But in Him, we can do all things!

Love in Christ, and in His peace, 

...from a daughter of God

See the good news for eternal life through Christ here.