God's Forest Creation


I was blessed to see some more of His Creation today. 

But first...

In the morning, I took my little niece to see the cow up close. She was very intrigued that the cow ate grass that we fed it. It's a pleasure to see her learning about life. 

The grass is greener...it might be here, but it isn't usually the case in our lives. I know we need to cultivate contentedness where God has us and do the best for Him wherever that is. 

Then after the morning of baby care and cooking, and due to an errand we had to run, my sister and I ended up in another beautiful piece (peace:-) of God's Creation. May He be praised for His wonderful works. These are pictures (except if the videos work)...so add in lovely birdsong, fresh forest smells and then we saw a rippling creek amongst ferns. 

And a final keeper at home one in Aldi. 
Praise the Lord for richly providing for us!

No matter what you need to do in life, sisters may our hearts be trusting in God and longing for His truth and holy ways. 

A thought came to me today that dispelled an incorrect one that had come to me. I was about to walk out the door and was wondering if some part of my clothing/headcovering was fixed right...but I quickly put that away and thought "if I'm wondering about something as small as that, I'm not fit for God's kingdom", and I moved on. The world puts so much emphasis on clothing that it is such a blessing to just dress biblical and move on. Yeah it's "not nice" how we godly women dress in their eyes but praise God for showing us how He wanted it done. We are to be content with food and clothing...it's pretty important and necessary. May we simply do what He has said and not fear what man thinks of it. 

Love in Christ...

...and Lord willing I will be back to you tomorrow.

See the biblical gospel to eternal life here.