Scripture Readings - Old Testament

Greetings sisters who love His Word! 

I wanted to post here my Old Testament scripture readings in longer portions as it sure is good to get the greater context or if you would like to listen longer (like when driving or having some quiet time or work). (You can find the New Testament here.) I know all my previous readings are scattered throughout my blog posts so it will be good to have these here. I cannot post audios on my blog so have to post the audios in video form. I compressed them so they won't take up a whole lot of your data either I think. I hope to keep adding to it as I go. I do not plan to read the whole Old Testament but just several books at least. 

May His Word bless and edify. 


Psalm 1-28

Psalm 29-50

Psalm 51-69

Psalm 70-105

Psalm 106-119

Psalm 120-150

Proverbs 1-12

Proverbs 13-24

Proverbs 25-31


O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.

I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love. 

Psalm 119:97, 163

(Some browsers may have the option to allow video/audio to remain playing while the phone screen is off etc. case that helps you to know:-) 

Hold fast sisters and let's keep living by all of His Word...the 'easy' and the harder parts. May He be glorified in our obedience! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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