Simple Zucchini Soup


Greetings Titus 2 sisters!

Today I'm sharing a zucchini soup recipe that I like to make. It's one of the things that use a lot of zucchini which is often what you want to do when you have super fruitful plants!

I'm not sharing actual measurements as soups are so customizable and if you've had any experience with them you can just wing it:-)

I use mostly zucchini but add a few potatoes and an onion and some garlic and some stock or broth or just salt and add water to cover about three quarters of the veggies.

You don't have to worry about chopping the vegetables that small as you'll be blending it smooth later.

Just cook until soft and then blend. (While it may add some extra flavour to fry the onion first I don't bother most times.)

Good healthy food blessings the Lord provides!

Give us day by day our daily bread.

Luke 11:3

Feed on God's word most of all!

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:4

Love in Christ,

Sister Chayil

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