Today's Encouragement (18 November 2023)

Greetings sisters! 

One more day to serve Him! I hope you are doing just that...pressing on no matter what! Outside of Christ, life is hopeless and vain. In Him there is a reason to live and glorify Him in our lives. 

Next scripture reading to encourage... 

Awesome things in there sisters. God is too good to us, His people. Let us strive to overcome! We must be faithful to Him. He is faithful, we can be sure of that. 

I was thinking that sometimes we hear people say that if Jesus didn't teach about something or the Bible doesn't mention something it means it isn't sinful. We know that obviously isn't the case! We need...discernment. Every single sin is not listed but we can use the Spirit and the Word to discern all things as we must. 

When you know something like a power failure is likely to happen at some point, it is wise to be prepared with a backup power source for what you can, like a phone...

But more importantly it is wise to be prepared for what is 100% going to happen...our death or the Lord's return. Either way we know there is existence after this earthly life whether with the Father or sent away into outer darkness. That latter one is horrible to think of so the wisest thing we can do is to be prepared today. 

We want to be like the five wise virgins who were prepared. 

Thank you sister for this scripture picture... 

What a blessing physical sight is! Something we can take for granted but it's good to remember and be thankful for it! But also most of all, important to be thankful for spiritual sight. How blessed we are to see that the Saviour came to set us free from our sins. To see that the way is narrow and wilful sin leads to death. To see that the Jesus is the only way and truth. To see that we are to be holy and peculiar people zealous of good works. To see our role as godly women and how we are to dress and act to not bring reproach upon His name. How blessed we are to see so many things. May we not take this lightly. Let us keep searching the scriptures to see more things the Lord will show us in them. 

But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

Matthew 13:16

Pretty evening in His creations... 

Glory to God! 

Keep striving sisters and look forward to that beautiful city I read about in Revelation above and where God makes all things new! Hold fast! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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