Today's Encouragement (3 July 2023)

Greetings sisters! 

I hope you're well rooted in the rock of Christ on this day! 

And I hope all your Titus 2 godly woman's works are going well. We be content to do simple servant work and we know God sees it all and we know He should be the reason we do what we do. Our motives matter and if we do it unto Him and because of Him then that turns our labours into fruitful ones not in vain. He is more important than humans and yet humans get to reap the results of our labours unto Him. We don't want to get swept away in doing things solely for humans. We love Him first then love people. And it's all related because we love Him we do good to humans because He commanded that we do! 

And His ways are always good but they aren't always or often what people want in their flesh. We do have to hurt people's feelings sometimes in order to obey God. And most people want to be told they are OK living however they want but we know there is only one narrow way to eternal life and it is real love to tell them of that way and that they must repent. 

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

1 Peter 3:12

We constantly see the difference between how God relates to the righteous and to the evil. It is not the same like people would like to believe. 

The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness.

Proverbs 15:9

We know there are only two real sides in this battle. We want to be on the Lord's side and walking in righteousness and found worthy in Christ when He returns. 

Cozy indoor winter's days... 

Heat is such a blessing no matter the source. But fire is an interesting thing God created and we know it is mentioned a lot in the Bible and has a lot of uses and meanings. 

My 3 year old niece brought me this painting today and told me it was for me and that it's a tree! 

It's a beautiful tree isn't it:-) So sweet and precious are the little ones and I can be surprised how intelligent they can be so young. She is very kind and thoughtful and often comes up with her own kind things to do for others that no one suggested she does. Like I heard her setting out cups of water for everyone at the meal table when no one told her to and it's not something they necessarily all have at meals. And if someone is talking about doing something she'll often turn up with something needed to do it without anyone talking to her. Amazing creations God made in humans! 

Well I must go but I hope my sisters are pressing on and enduring in this day. We only have right now to handle even though we do need to plan for the future sometimes but we don't really know what each day will bring and we can't worry too much about what may never be!

Hold fast to the Word sisters! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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