Today's Encouragement (17 July 2023)

Hello sisters! 

I'm back again and hope you're all striving on one more day. I know some sisters who are and thank you for sharing these sisters and all the daily edifying that you do! 

Let's follow after righteousness and mercy sisters! 

Focusing on and magnifying Him helps any trials here fade away doesn't it! I know we have things of this world to deal with, physical things, but we can do them in a way that pleases Him but yet sometimes we don't want to do them as they take away some focus from Him. But it's just our reasonable service while on this earth and one day we shall be with Him in a heavenly place!

Right that's great too...we just go about our peaceful lives not being lazy or causing trouble etc. So much about living peaceably in this world towards those around us in His Word too. We won't argue and fight and have envy and strive and cause trouble. Not to say us standing on the truth won't cause some disturbances at times or doesn't mean we compromise ever just to have peace but we shouldn't have the fleshly aspect of when people do not dwell at peace one with another or something I guess and they try to take vengeance but we know that is the Lord's not ours. And people hold grudges one against another when all why we should separate from people is because of our obedience to the Lord and they may separate from us too.

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18


Next scripture reading to edify you... 

A lot of good things in there (as usual though!). We see brother Paul's good example of working to support himself in order to not be a burden to anyone even though he had the full right to be supported by the saints for doing his gospel ministry. We know people seeking after money can make for some extremely bad motivations for what they do. So we can be very suspicious of those asking for money for their 'works of the Lord' and we test all things. 

More weeding work in the garden for me... 

I was thinking about how mosquito season is coming soon here when it makes working in the garden a flesh killing challenging experience. So I want to get a lot of work done before then. And it's the wet season and the ground is so soft for pulling weeds from and the dry time is coming. And it's much easier to work while it's cool and not hot so it's a great blessing to work now. 

We know it can be wise to prepare ahead in physical things. But in fact our very life in the Lord is preparing ahead for eternity. Well we live to glorify the Lord no matter what's ahead for us but it's very wise to prepare to meet our God. Sadly most are not doing this but living for now and thinking they can find out later and fix it then somehow. But it won't be, so may we be truly wise even though we are fools in the world's eyes. 

Pretty last light of the evening... 

Was a beautiful day, cold but the sunshine brings some warmth to it all. What a blessing! 

I was reading this account and pondering it and there's some interesting points to ponder on that but I appreciate this what Jesus said but yet I understand why the man would have wanted to be with Jesus who had delivered him from so much. 

Now the man out of whom the devils were departed besought him that he might be with him: but Jesus sent him away, saying, Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.

Luke 8:38-39

We too have a similar job to do in being scattered all over the earth being His witnesses! 

Well that's all from me today and Lord willing I shall be back tomorrow. Hold fast sisters and keep pressing on, enduring hardness like good soldiers! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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