Today's Encouragement (2 June 2023)

Greetings sisters!

Here's one more day and I'm back. Hope you are fighting on in this faith battle! It is sure worth fighting for! Christ is worthy and our hope is set before us if we endure! 

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Revelation 2:7

God is so good to tell us all He did in His Word and we don't have to wonder. Yes sometimes we may want to know more but we need to be content don't we! He is God and we are not and we're just so thankful that He spared us and will reward us if we overcome! 

Scripture reading to edify you... 

Much going on in brother Paul's life again...all because of the gospel. 

Cow creations... 

And I share my Titus 2 daily bread works... 
God provides again. 

Thank you sister for these... 

Right, we walk by faith and we don't see Him, yet we believe and love Him and can have great joy! As Jesus said, blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed. Faith is so important isn't it sisters. It's part of our Ephesians 6 armour isn't it with which we quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. And we don't want to be fearful like the disciples were in the storm...but have great faith trusting in God that He is in control. 

I love that! 

There is a lot on joy in His Word! He is the reason of our joy. All the things on this earth that are fading away, people claim to have joy in but it's all shallow and empty and hopeless really. Let us joy in God and all He has done! 

I think that's all I have to share today. Mine was a busy day with gardening, sewing, and housework and of course edifying my sisters. I hope your day is a peaceful one in Him no matter what is going on around you. Hold fast till He comes! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil

Find the gospel to eternal life through Christ explained here.

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