Today's Encouragement (13 April 2023)

Greetings godly sisters!

Hope things are going good wherever you are! I'm here again which means God blessed me with life and the ability to come back here and that I'm striving on in the Lord. Hope you all are too!

Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. 

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

Psalm 73:25-26

Scripture reading to edify... 

I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.
1 Thessalonians 5:27
Thankful for all the Word that we have today...we're so richly blessed to have it but we also do have a greater responsibility to obey it too. 

Helping look after the little ones again... 

Precious and innocent in a wicked world. 

I saw that patch of blue sky... 

...and I thought how pretty blue sky really is especially after not seeing it really for a few days. And that could be the case with other things too. Sometimes we really only see the depths of something if it gets taken away from us. And we may try to see the value in something the best we can but nothing like if it was taken away. We expect to have a soft warm bed to sleep in at night for example. But that's an extra blessing above food and raiment which we are to be thankful and content with, but it would be really hard to adapt to being without a bed. So we'd see the depths of the blessing of having one. And what about running water or at least a good supply of water. What about sisters in the Lord in our we treasure those as they could be taken away. 

Of course our true treasures are in heaven and we shouldn't expect things down here and we certainly shouldn't grumble and complain about our life if we don't have much. In Christ we are always truly rich! But we are to be thankful in all things aren't we sisters...whether we have little or much. 

We know God will always be there for us while we have life on this earth. Yes the worst thing which could be taken from us because of our sin could be eternal life with the Father. Being turned away on judgement day...that is a terrible thing indeed. Let us treasure this time we have now to keep choosing Him making sure we repent when we need to and striving hard after Him. 

Well I must go sisters but I am thinking about you sisters I know and I'm sure there's more I may never know about on this earth. Let's keep holding fast sisters, pleasing our Master! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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