Today's Encouragement (8 March 2023)

Greetings sisters! 

Hope you're doing well today! I'm keeping busy here and I'm popping back in and sharing various bits and pieces from my day. 

Beautiful creations He made. So nice to see pretty water droplets on things. 

And sharing blessings He gives. 

And peaceful green thriving plants that grow food. 

And more good foods to cook into yummy treats. 

Sisters sharing scriptures... 

We definitely know we must endure and continue and strive and overcome in this faith life! Let's keep working on that sisters! 

2 John reading for my sisters... 

Lord willing I will be back again tomorrow sharing some more edifying! I hope my sisters are holding fast! God sees and knows you all even if I don't! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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