Today's Encouragement (22 October 2022)


Greetings sisters!

I'm back! And you are too. Praise God for each day He gives us breath! And what a joy to serve Him who is light and life!

I read some scriptures today to encourage us sisters to keep striving on... 

Pretty grass creations... 

Looks like I need to get busy on trying to freeze most of these garden blessings... 

God provides! 

(machine use in soups or fry as cauliflower 'rice'

Here's a big rose for my sisters... 

Awesome creations God made! And think of all the huge variety He made...we barely know any of it! He is a great Creator and we're blessed to serve Him! 

Hope you have a fruitful, joyous, peaceful, content, hope-filled, day in the Lord our Saviour! Be of good cheer sister saints! 

Love to you all, 

Sister Michaela 

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