Today's Encouragement (2 March 2022)

Hello sisters! 

Praise God for this day to serve Him and think on all His wondrous works in His creation and towards us. 

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Selah.

Psalm 143:5-6

I've had a really busy but good day today. How was (or is) yours? 

I trust each and every one of you who read this are truly striving after Christ and letting nothing come between Him and you. He is not our Lord if there are things we just couldn't do for Him (like the rich young ruler in Jesus' day). Can we give up our family...each and every one for Him? Can we give up our life and what we want to do...for Him? Can we give up our false ways like Christmass, Easter, uncovered heads, our reputation and everything else...for Him? Well I hope all you sisters have counted this cost and are willing to forsake all (and have of all the sinful things). We may say so in our hearts when it's easy...but when these come upon us it may take our breath away so to speak and we may see these losses right in front of us. But He is so worthy isn't He sisters! We trust His promises that He promised us...eternal life if we endure until the end. And He is worthy to be glorified no matter what reward we may get. If we didn't have a reward promised we still should obey Him. But what an awesome and loving merciful and gracious God He is beyond measure to offer us a chance to get to be with Him in His glory and kingdom to come. This is hard to fathom. But it's not an easy thing to get there either and we know so few find the narrow road which is the only way to get there...through Christ and His truth and ways. Keep enduring sister good soldiers of His! 

Today I share some older scripture pictures...which are still amazing because His Word never changes and His creation is beautiful. 

They can speak for themselves. 

Amen praise God sisters! We can never do that enough can we! In fact we can never do a lot of things enough or too much; thank Him, obey Him, fear Him, serve Him and give Him glory for all He has done and is. 

This picture would describe a large part of my day again... 

But it's a good and worthwhile thing to do and I appreciate doing it. 

Isn't this the cutest lil pear, sisters?

I think so! But I love the big ones best because they fill up jars quicker lol:-) 

And this was two the other day.. 

Interesting and amazing creations God made for food for mankind (and the animals). 

I shared that picture with a sister and she mentioned this scripture... 

And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

Mark 4:20

And we are those on the good ground bringing forth fruit! What awesome parables and illustrations our Creator and Saviour gave to us to learn all these important truths. Praise God! 

And I share a few pictures from my evening walking and working outside... 

Look close to see a big beautiful spiders web... 

That's just another area of the Creator's handiwork in creating the spider to know how to do that and equipping it with all it needs. And how pretty with the sun shining on it. 

And on this flower too... 

I'm glad the corn is starting to produce flowers... 
Hopefully delicious corn cobs to come...after patience and more tending to it. 

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

James 5:7-8


OK time for me to go...but I'm glad to share a bit of encouragement and edification and just general good pure and true things from my life. Hope you are going well and standing strong in Christ and His truth! 

Love to you...fervent and godly love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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