Today's Encouragement (26 February 2022)


Hello sisters! 

I'm back here again another day. The Lord allowed me to be! I've had a busy day though but we all do, sometimes more and sometimes less. We all have good and necessary works to do. Hope you and your day are going well in the Lord. 

So what has my day been? 

The usual and much treasured sister sharing...

...of our days and encouragement in the Lord and our lives as godly women. 

Thank you sister for sharing that scripture. What great hope of being with the Lord and all His saints! Keep living for Him sisters! 

More pear work... 

And days and days more of those to come. Praise God for providing! 

And I was asked to go with to help pick blackberries on the I did and I share this video of a bit of it...

A sister added this scripture to a picture I sent... 

Glad that Christ came to set us free from sin! 

Delicious leftovers for the evening meal... 

Who doesn't love leftovers especially after a busy day! I'm sure you sisters who cook know about that and the great blessing it is!

More tomatoes to pick as the sun sets on my day... 

And washing the dishes... 

And for a Titus 2 tip in case you don't know, you can use aluminum foil to clean your baked on pans and such if you don't have anything else... 

So that's my simple sharing for today. Perhaps you like to see a glimpse into some of my day and I'm sure you have your own good works to do but I love seeing and hearing about yours. Lord willing I may be back tomorrow. But most of all may we keep pressing forward hungering and thirsting after righteousness and seeking first God's kingdom. 

And even if I may have a pile of produce to deal with at the moment...pears, tomatoes and blackberries...I'd rather see a few of them go to waste (or to the chickens in this case) than neglect to be spending some time with my godly sisters who I love in the Lord. So we have to be faithful in what we have in the good blessings the Lord gave. My sisters are great blessings and so are the good foods God grew from the ground. But we just do the best we can and find a balance in it all and be good with that! Praise God for it all! Keep pressing on sister good soldiers of the Lord! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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