Today's Encouragement (24 February 2022)

Greetings in Christ sisters! 

Here's another day upon us! As that verse above reminds us of...being patient. Good to remember! Yes we have been told the coming of the Lord draws nearer and nearer!

And we sisters often share this verse.... 

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Luke 21:28

...which comes after an explanation of many things that are coming upon this earth before Christ comes! That's exciting to think about actually! Just thinking about the fact that this current world which is in turmoil because of sin will be made new and all the old will vanish away! There will be no more pain or suffering or tears! Well that's for those who will be accounted worthy to enter God's kingdom (it will only get worse for the rest so we sincerely hope they repent before then). Although we know the terrible times that are coming first, Christ is coming back for His saints! What hope! And we should be prepared for anything...because we know there's no pretrib rapture happening. 

I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.

Psalm 119:59-60


I was thinking about this...why anyone would question a saint who is sincerely trying hard to be blameless and spotless and pure for this holy God we have to deal with? And by doing that make them doubt or stumble. I mean it would have to be someone who is not on God's side and we know that must be of satan. Because all through the pages of the NT we are called to walk worthy, in perfection, as best we can. Never does it say to settle with less than that. So let's remember that sisters. If we get thought of as 'legalists' or 'works-based' which I know really are people trying to criticize our fervent and devoted pure heart for serving the Lord in holiness to His ways we can know they aren't speaking that from God's Word. 

And we know people tend to choose the 'easy' things that Jesus said like that His yoke is easy and His burden light and forget the others about forsaking all and denying ourselves and being persecuted. We know to be honest and take in all of God's words and live by them (and tell others who are seeking Him the same). We take the whole package that comes with following after Christ. And that is one of great peace and hope and joy and love and also of loneliness and hardness and flesh killing and sorrow and trials and persecutions (of which we are spared much these days).

Where's our heart sisters? 

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Matthew 15:8-9

We want it to be undivided for God. He must be first...nothing else. 

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

James 1:22

That's what we are sincerely trying to do. We don't hear or listen to people who kind of subtly suggest we shouldn't be doers of the Word. Or some may say it out clear that we can still sin on and on and go to heaven. But we hear the voice of our Shepherd that calls us to follow Him. 

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

1 John 3:18

Our love for others (and God even) will be in deed and truth...not just saying and thinking that we love someone. 

That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.

Philippians 1:10-11

That says a lot and I greatly appreciate the hearts and desires of my sisters who have sincere love for God and pure hearts for Him. You're precious in this dark world my dear sisters! I want to protect you with my life...from the wicked one and discouragement and lies. 

I know we share this one often... 

But I don't think we can ever share it enough. And we can read it more slowly and let it sink in. Thank you sister for sharing these scriptures to encourage us sisters. We have a spiritual battle to focus on and we don't get swept away and distracted by what's going on in this earth. This world can do what it doesn't concern us. We can't change it...except with the gospel in individuals lives...but we know how few find the narrow road. In the mean time while we're here we can be salt and light...glorifying the One who owns us. 

Praise God that we can be part of Christ's family... 

What great hope and grace and mercy the Lord has given us through His Son. Let us live to please Him. 

Alright my sisters...keep pressing on in the faith going about your good works the Lord has created us for, working unto Him being doers of the Word. And although we may have a meek and quiet spirit and go about minding our own business we know to be ready to stand strong against the enemies of truth. And ready to answer those who may be seeking truth. But either way we are called to shine our lights so the Father is glorified. 

Hold fast sisters! 

Love in the Lord, 

Sister Michaela 

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