Today's Encouragement (27 January 2022)


Greetings daughters of the Lord! 

One more day I have the opportunity to write to you, my sisters, here. We know our life in Christ is not a 'once a week' religious service or anything of the sort but serving Him becomes our whole life! In Christ we know there are no extra special days...because we no longer keep the OT laws...and every day is alike to us! They're all very special to us because we have been made alive from the dead and have the hope of heaven! We ought to exhort each other daily helping us all to stand strong in the Lord and overcome and grow. 

So we sisters aim to do our best at encouraging and edifying each other daily...for God's glory. And my blog here is one way to do that. We know there are so few who truly follow the Lord...but we do our good works unto the Lord no matter what and it's an extra blessing if we have godly fellowship along the way. 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

James 1:17

I made an audio with some scriptures here... 

And here's a video of pretty flowers with the sunshine and blue sky and a bird... 

Glory to our Creator to put all that together! 

I finally got all the onions that were drying in the shed (which was sometimes rather hot) safely inside. It was too late for some 🙄 but what a blessing to have all that we got!

I was making these today too... 

...some delicious healthy date balls.

With a recipe that was given to my family which I share here too... 

(Today I used almond flour and butter instead.) 

They don't last long here!

I appreciate quick, simple, and healthy foods...because we godly women have a lot of things to do and as this verse says there's more to life than food. We know we are to be content with food and clothing also. 

Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
John 6:27

We know we are to live by God's words...which lead to eternal life. It's so much more important to be making sure we are pleasing Him...than living for only the things of this life even if they are good things in themselves. 

More blessings from the garden for the evening meal... 

God didn't only give us a few kinds of foods to keep us sustained...but hundreds and thousands of varieties!! How thankful and content we ought to be! 

Another day the Lord provided our daily bread...and I'm thankful. 

Thought this rose bush was still pretty even though the flowers are fading... 

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Isaiah 40:8

Fresh green sprouts of grass after the rain we had... 

How refreshing that's is where it's brown, dry, and dusty usually in summer. 

(Thank you sister for adding those scriptures to my pictures:-) Our Saviour has come! So glad we now have the hope of Christ through the gospel. Hope you have all tested your lives and make sure you're truly on the path to eternal life...the narrow road. It isn't 'automatic' that we just get into heaven by 'just believing' in Jesus. We must follow and obey and endure to the end! 

Time for me to go now sisters and sign off here. Other good things I have to do to finish up my day. Let's see if I'm back here tomorrow to share more with you! Keep holding fast to the truth sisters! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

Find the gospel explained here