Today's Edification

Hello my sisters! 

Peace and love to you in the Lord! What a blessing to be sharing truth and encouragement for my sisters here. 

We sisters who communicate daily in the things of God and general life as godly women find that we do well with constant reminders even if we may often repeat ourselves. Because there is so much to keep in mind and we can forget or lose focus at times it is a blessing to have frequent reminders. We can learn from others also and what they are going through and share and it's such a blessing to have those who truly love the Lord and do not compromise for anything. 

I was thinking that the world has friends whether they are close or not and they usually are centered around a common interest or hobby etc. But for my is Christ we are centered on. He is our very life, our hope, our peace, our joy! He has made us new creations! And we have awesome promises... 

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 

Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 

And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

Ephesians 2:4-6

What a blessing that is sisters...being raised up to heavenly places! 

And while the world may call people friends and not really even know or care what the other believes (such as Facebook 'friends' etc), we sisters get down to the very heart of the matter and what we believe and what makes us do everything. We do know we are to be of one mind in the body and how do we know if we don't talk about everything that really matters and be centered on God's Word and seeking His truth alone. Also how can we know who to trust if we don't know a person and can see and test their fruit? We know the dangers of leaven and the corrupting influence of bad associations. And we know it's best to go alone if there is no one truly following the Lord. But I'm so blessed with a few sisters who truly are my trusted and close friends. All good gifts come from the Lord...He gives and He takes...blessed be His name! Thank you sisters for loving the Lord with me! He is worthy! We are thankful! 


Today I bagged up the onions that had been drying... 

Great blessings they are! 

And I pulled another batch to dry... 

Praise God for all He provides! 

And here's some more vegetable blessings coming along in the garden... 

Here's some pretty birds I saw when I was feeding the calves...

More beautiful creations God made! 

And thank you sister for these scripture pictures... 

Amen we do not want to be those who look to argue and complain having strife and envy causing problems. We kill our flesh instead. We may have all seen or known people that are not peacemakers...but God has called us to peace. Obviously as much as is possible but we are also told we will suffer persecution...which obviously means we are not at peace with those persecuting us. We know the world hates our God and the truth we stand for. 

But we always strive for this... 

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 
Romans 12:18

Aren't you glad our Lord has come? So let us follow after Him on the narrow road. 

Well you have a fruitful day sister saints, redeeming the time for the Lord glorifying Him! 

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Colossians 4:5-6

In the love of God, 

Sister Michaela 

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