Sound Things


Greetings this day sisters! 

How is yours going? 

But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

Titus 2:1

I know I've shared before about the actions that are fitting for sound doctrine that are mentioned in Titus 2 for us godly women. What a blessing it is to have and know what God wants from us! (I have more on that which you can find here.) 

It's in keeping with sound doctrine for us women to be keepers at home, good, chaste, discreet, to love and obey husbands, to love children, be teachers of the young women, sober minded, holy, and not false accusers. 

I find it refreshing to think on 'sound things' which is God's truth and the faith once delivered for sure. 

Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:13

There's so very much that is not sound in this world! 

I was washing dishes and pondering how simple a task it is and one we Titus 2 women who are walking in sound doctrine often are involved in. We are not out in the world running around seeking to fulfill the lusts of our flesh. We know there's all manner of that that the world is feeding on. They'll reap what they sow though. But we're walking after the Spirit in His ways killing the flesh and it's affections and lusts. We may 'just be washing dishes' (or any one of the other good works we may do) but by God's power and grace we are not someone else lost out in the world in it's ways that lead to death. God has shown us His truth and given us a better way through the gospel. (Examine yourself to see if you are following a false gospel or not as there are many.) The world may laugh at us but that doesn't matter because we don't live for the approval of man but God. Rejoice sisters! 

And we sure see this do we not? 

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

And isn't it comforting knowing God knows all and told us what to be aware of? 

We sure see women not enduring the sound doctrine ways of Titus 2 for women. They are not being holy or good or chaste or keepers at home or the rest. 

But we can keep obeying and remaining in what we have been taught by Christ and His apostles, not listening to those who add or change commands and doctrines (like uncovered heads, women being leaders in the body, Christmas/easter etc, false gospels, allowing sin and compromise and worldiness and all the rest). 

We can cling to what we have been taught, the simple Word of God, without the additions of man. God gave us all we need. 

I shared that scripture with sisters (and it's greater context) and one sister sent these back... 

Glad God gave us all we need...and we don't need to keep looking elsewhere but go to His Word to find the truth.


Hot sunshine on the lemons I went to pick... 

To make a slow cooker roast chicken... 

Which browned off in the oven... 


And here's a refreshing cold lemon drink... 

All blessings that the Lord allows us to have. Do you stop and ponder all your many blessings often? It sure helps us to be thankful and content...especially in a world where there is so much greed and dissatisfaction.

Peaceful ducks... 

...just living and doing what ducks do. We godly women want to do what our Creator made us for too. 

And thank you sister for adding these scriptures... 

What a great witness that man was that got healed...for the power and glory of God! And so is a transformed life through the gospel too! Let us keep being a witness for the Lord in our lives. 

I love that scripture. It is refreshing to spend time with other saints who also love the Lord (even if it is long distance via technology). It's such a wicked world with so few who truly love God enough to obey everything He says. There are so very many with lip service saying they are His and having a form of godliness but denying the power. 

But we sisters keep striving on...going about our simple life with a sound mind, walking in sound doctrine ways such as those Titus 2 things. 

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

Keep pressing on sisters! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

Find the gospel explained here