Easy Sausage Roll Recipe


Good day sisters,

I wanted to share this with you. It's not so much a recipe with set amounts but an idea for a meal for feeding your family.

I made it for tea tonight so I thought I'd share today. 

I chopped a few onions... 

And used ready made puff pastry sheets... 

(*note on the puff pastry. I'm not sure if it's available like this in other countries. I did not see it when I was in Canada so not sure. I am in Australia.) 

And quarter each sheet with a knife...

I know there are many different types of sausages but these are what we use... 

Fry the onions until soft and lightly browned and then add a couple tablespoons of brown sugar. 

Fry for a few more minutes...

I chop the sausages in half so they fit in the quartered pastry better. 

Put a small amount of onion on each pastry quarter and top with a sausage. 

Roll the pastry to enclose the contents. And prick a few times with a fork. 

Usually I use egg but we were out of eggs today so I used milk instead to brush the pastry. 

Cook in the oven (around 200C)for about half an hour... 

I didn't use all the sausages so there's spares for another meal:-)

You can serve them with tomato sauce... 

...or sweet chilli sauce or whatever you want. 

I served them with tomatoes as well.... 

And steamed pumpkin...

And olives.

And you can find a basic video here with some of the steps. It just adds a bit more depth to it. 

Well perhaps that might be useful for someone looking for a simple and inexpensive way to use sausages. 

Praise God for providing us with good food. 

"Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness."

Acts 14:17

Love in Christ,

...from a servant of God

Make sure you have the gospel right in your life. Test yourself as it is the most important thing in your life.