Being Faithful and Consistent

Good day readers! 

I hope you are doing well today and trusting in the Lord in all things, wherever you are on this earth. 

I was thinking about how, as a believer, I want to be dependable and available to help those in need and encourage the sisters as I can. I hope all of you are clinging to the Lord alone but I can do my bit to encourage you to greater things in the Lord. I want to be as faithful and consistent at it as I can.

"My son, fear thou the Lord and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:"
Proverbs 24:21

I was thinking today how we saints, us godly women, should be about serving others and being here for them. If we are walking in all obedience to our Lord ourselves then we will be seeking how we can do that in each of our lives. 

Some times in our flesh we want to have our own life. But we ought to be about the things of God. Giving up self and having a humble servant heart. Caring for souls in the gospel. Being available and not selfishly pursuing our own interests. 

And certainly our reputation in Christ will develop over time. And no this is is not about us. It's about sharing the hope we have in Christ and being a faithful witness in His name. We might save a soul from death or lift a discouraged sister up in Christ. 

Others are watching our lives. What do they tell about us and about the God we serve? 

How do we behave in trials? (joyous, patient, and trusting in the Lord in all things)

How do we dress? Is it consistently biblical or skirting the boundaries of sin?

How do we treat our enemies? (love, bless, do good to, pray for)

Are we honest and open, willing to be corrected or testable to the Word?

Are we humble servants (or proud looking down on others) 

We can each ask ourselves these things and more and think how we come across to others. Is it like Christ or do we need to work on some areas. I'm sure we all do and so I pray we are. 

We are all in different situations and have different callings in life but how are we being faithful and honest in our situations.

Of course we have our total trust in the Lord as He is ALWAYS faithful and can never sin.

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."
Proverbs 18:10

But are we women dependable and approachable to speak of the things of God. Ready to give an answer and help others and not instead caught up in our own life and interests content to let the world go by as souls are perishing and the godly woman you know is struggling through difficulties ignored by you as you don't offer to care and pray.  

The true body of Christ will be about looking after and caring for others either physically but spiritually most of all as well. 

"Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;

And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed."
Hebrews 12:12-13

It is so very common...people just interested in looking out for themselves and seeking their own life and interests. As 1 Corinthians 13 says about love, it seeks not her own. 

"We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.

For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me."
Romans 15:1-3

Are we continuing on steadfast in truth, honest, and not compromising and carried about with different doctrines. 

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
James 1:8

What I am trying to say is that my blog and other saints I know are here to edify and help others in the Lord. Am I perfect? No I'm not. Am I striving to be? Yes I am.  

"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:2

And this is what scripture says about how damaging it is if we let down our guard in any area of our reputation. It's quite a strong comparison and I can see exactly how it would look in those I trust in the Lord. Imagine looking up to someone who you thought was godly and biblical in all their ways then they did something "out of place" and foolish or little by little compromised on a bit of sin here and there. 

"Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour."
Ecclesiastes 10:1

I know we are to have complete trust in the Lord but maybe there's someone in your life ahead of you in their walk with the Lord. They've been through more life experiences and learned the hard way in many things. You trust them and look up to them as an example in the faith. And then they do something that stumbles you and so you are confused and even reject the faith in God or grow very weak. What I am trying to say in all this is that people are watching us as godly women and we want to be blameless in our walk of faith and obedience. 

Yes we ought to not put people in a wrong place in our lives and always fully trust in the Lord. Humans can fail...but God never. If you have trustworthy faithful saints in your life, you are blessed. But don't blindly follow them. Your life must rest in God and His Word. If people around you fail you must press on. From reading scripture we know perilous times of wickedness and false faith and unbelief will abound. Don't expect there to be many true saints and women of God around. You likely might have to go on alone. If you know of true saints treasure them and love them as precious souls redeemed by the blood of the Lamb made new creations through the Spirit. 

As godly women, we want to be a strong and consistent witness to the world. In Titus 2, it says that if we women are not obeying those commands there then the word of God is blasphemed and so that's pretty serious isn't it?

Yes I have this blog...but it doesn't mean I can just come here and post anything I want whenever I want. Sometimes I'm very slow of thought, and I have to check it all over many times for errors and mistakes and make sure it is what I wanted to say and above all that it is truthful and biblical. So to be honest these can often be hours of work each day. I'm glad I have time to work on here these days and encourage you all. I'm very blessed it can be my service to the Lord and I'm grateful that all of you bother to read. I know we ought not to compare ourselves to others but just do our best and the Lord can use us if we are willing. I would not be writing on here if the Lord didn't give me strength to do it. I truly wait on Him and day by day I get to encourage and edify you sisters:-)

I want to close with this what Paul wrote...

"...but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying."
2 Corinthians 12:19b

I hope this edified and blessed you in some way. Have a peaceful day in the Lord. 

Press on, looking to Christ, our perfect Example!

Love in Him,

...a daughter of God

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