Home Maintenance and an Awesome Sunset

What beauty in His creation! Look at those colours! 

I hope you are all standing strong in the faith. 

I got to do a bit of home maintenance today.

Know what this is? 

No we didn't have a break-in. It's the result of a break-out...the naughty cat. He's not allowed outside in the daytime in snake season...so he broke out these two bathroom windows himself. He has been bitten twice by a deadly snake in the last few years and been saved by antivenom. 

Anyway that aside, I had to replace the fly screens. Hope it doesn't happen again. 

Here as I was working, the cat does not look repentant.
The truth is he was up hanging with claws in the screen literally not ten minutes after I fixed it. It is pet mesh so hope it holds up. 

And then I did this. 


Yes it was time to sweep away some cobwebs off the house. They collect the sand that blows around here and so look unsightly. 

Just some various jobs of a keeper at home:-)

I don't know of any woman who likes spiders. For the most part I don't either but I am not freaked out or anything if I see one, it's just they can look nasty and yes they can be dangerous. 

They can have beautiful webs. And they are amazing creations, the spider webs, (and the spiders too...even if we don't like them all) and how strong the webs are and all that. 

They are also mentioned in scripture.

I actually think these little jumping spiders that we have are cute.
And I would never kill them...only the nasty ones if they're in the house. 

It's not the best picture but there are these spiders called jewel spiders that we also have in places. They have all different colours and spikes and they live in the gardens and trees. 

God gave an awesome sunset here. 

It went from this and I thought it was all finished and gone (see the birds too). 

To this... 

And this...absolutely beautiful and brilliant! Truly the heavens declare the glory of God! 
Thank you Lord!

"Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof."
(Psalm 19:2-6)

Also goes along with Romans 1, that all men are without excuse of knowing the Creator. 

And it's gone down to awaken some of you sisters:-) For the full picture, add in to your visual senses the sound of birds and the distant roar of the ocean and the lowing of cattle. Add in the smell of the sea and the gentle breeze...and the buzz of a mosquito or two. And you can get some of the awesome atmosphere of the evening. I felt blessed to be there and take it all in. 

God be praised and glorified!

I hope you all are standing strong as the world goes about it's vain things and pursuits. May our eyes be set on Christ and eternity. By faith we look for a better life to come, having overcome this wicked world through the power of the Spirit.

See the biblical gospel to eternal life here.