Biblical Women's Clothing

I wanted to share a few pictures for example purposes of what a godly women's biblical dress could look like.

All these things I share here came from op shops/thrift stores in less than a year so it definitely can be done if you are diligent and don't give up.

A simple navy one...
Remembering your long untucked shirts will cover if the waist on the skirts are too tight. 

Some tiered ones... 

This one is very full and floor length for me even though I modified it and took almost a foot of material off the bottom already. 

Just some simple shirts... 

(I sewed those last 2 shirts and so you can find a how to post here if you like.) 

I have liked to wear vests over my shirts for awhile...I like the extra coverage they give. I was grateful to find two plain ones...which were also loose. 

So that's it...biblical clothing examples which most certainly can be found today. It's a lot more worthwhile looking in the giant stores as the range is so much greater and I find the little shops a waste of time for the most part...but you never know.

I made these two aprons for myself after I had made a couple for a sister in the Lord. They are great for keeping your clothes clean when cooking or just for some extra coverage. 

And I wear simple headcoverings such as these which I sew. 

And an example of clothing I might have used to wear in the past. It is something that I now know goes against a couple scriptures that teach no external adornment for godly ladies (1 Timothy 2, 1 Peter 3). Yes it's full and long but it's adorned with flowers so it's not for godly women who want to love God by obeying Him. I repented of that and I share it here to warn others. 

I wasn't even looking for it, but today I came across an older picture from years ago of my two sisters and my wardrobe. We used to share most clothes as we were roughly the same size. I share it for teaching purposes. As you can discern, many are not biblical.

And this is more what my simple wardrobe looks like today...

Yes I may change things a bit over time as I find things but for now that's plenty for what clothes are supposed to be. 

Remember, our clothes were first given to us by God Himself right after we first fell into sin. They were animal skin tunics. In the NT, the Lord commands His women to wear long ones that fully cover us. 

"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
(John 14:15)

"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God 
with all thy heart, 
and with all thy soul, 
and with all thy mind, 
and with all thy strength: 
this is the first commandment.

And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." 
(Mark 12:30-31)

Clothes are not fashion statements but simple coverings for the temple of the Spirit if we are His. May we who claim to be born again new creations by His Spirit simply obey in this area and shine our light in so doing to a lost world. 

Perhaps this post with pictures can help you discern the difference between clothing which is biblical and that which is not. It would have been a help to me if I was still learning how to dress biblical. 

See some other posts I did on clothing.

See the biblical gospel to eternal life through Christ here.