Slow Cooker Meal - Ham & Lentil Soup

Slow Cooker Ham and Lentil Soup

I originally made this from an online recipe but modified it for what I had so this is what I did and it worked out great!

6 cups of water
1 cup of dry lentils
1 large onion, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
1 cup of celery, chopped
Aprox 200g bacon or ham, chopped and fried
1 tsp each basil and oregano (or whatever herbs you have or like) 
1 tsp garlic
2 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tsp stock powder
2 bay leaves
Half tsp salt
I also added half a capsicum, but that's optional. 

Add all ingredients to the slow cooker, stir, and cook on high for 5 hours (at least that's what I did and it worked and was well cooked.)

Serves 4-6