Baked Oatmeal

Greetings Titus 2 sisters! 

Today I'm sharing a baked oatmeal recipe. It's one a sister had made when I was in her house so I asked for the recipe. Thank you sister:-) Good blessings from the Lord of daily food. 

Baked Oatmeal 

3 1/2 cups oats 
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt 
1 tsp cinnamon (optional) 
2 cups milk 
2 eggs 
1 tsp vanilla 
1/2 cup melted butter 
1/2 cup brown sugar 

Mix together dry ingredients. Then wet ingredients separately. Combine all, and bake for about 20 minutes at 160C/375F.

I modified the recipe this time and made it with almond milk, butter substitute, and coconut sugar...just what was available and what I am asked to cook with. But it still works well and is really good! So you can modify it in such ways if needed. 

Let us be thankful for food and raiment! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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