Learning from the Older Women


Greetings sisters! 

How are you all today? Hopefully striving on strong in the Lord overcoming in His strength! 

Here in this post I wanted to write a little about being taught by the older women as Titus 2 speaks of. Most everyone is focused on the act of the older women teaching and what they teach but I want to write some on being taught. 

Here's the well known scripture... 

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Titus 2:3-5

A scripture of which it's always good to refresh in! 

We often (and rightly so) talk a lot of the Titus 2 command for the older women to teach the younger women those things. So what about being a younger woman and being taught? 

And we know an older woman would mean in age but also maturity in the faith because evidently an older woman who just became a believer (for example from total paganism with no clue of the Bible) would still have much to learn and would evidently not be in a state to teach. But we all strive for maturity and over time if we are truly seeking will become wiser in the Lord's wisdom and truth from His Word and through life experiences. 

Most (if not all?) of us have not grown up in a fully biblical family so we come to a true understanding of the gospel at some point when we were older. Praise God that we could see and come to the knowledge of the truth! It is such a precious thing whenever someone repents and is born by God's Spirit into His family and kingdom! One soul is worth more than the whole world amen sisters?! And He calls us from different backgrounds, beliefs, and at different ages and we can all be united and one in His family. 

But in this day with so few true believers it is indeed a rare thing to find other godly women (or men for that matter) so what if you do have some other believers in your life? Treasure them all! It is so rare in these last days and we all are scattered and shining where the Lord has His saints. What a blessing it would be and is to have a godly older woman to teach the younger women. We live in a foolish age where sadly even the older ones are not as mature as they should be but that's people of the world but what about those in the Lord? In Christ those who fear Him, which is the beginning of wisdom, and have walked in Him for many years will have much wisdom of God, His Word, and life experiences and spent more time in this battle to share with others and particularly those younger. 

And the younger have to be willing to learn obviously...not thinking they know it all or want to find it all out on their own. Yes some things have to be learned through experience but other things not so much. And likewise the older woman would be willing to share what she has learned and teach in those areas listed in Titus 2; sober, discreet, chaste, keepers at home, loving husbands and children etc. And they wouldn't be teaching in hypocrisy if they are a truly godly woman as they would have those qualities in their own lives first. 

And this scripture being an example of what young women are not to be... 

And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. 

1 Timothy 5:13

And the teaching the young women receive may not always be 'in a form of teaching' but could just be learning from observing another godly woman's life. People are watching us whether we know they are or not. It could be those in our family and everyday life at home or in the world. And in the body of Christ among the saints we can't but help watching one another being close, loving, and united. So much can be learned this way. Of course if someone has an actual teaching ministry then that's a bit different but we are all looking out for one another, caring and learning from the experiences of others and teaching where it should be done. 

Obviously God knows and sees our lives and we are living to please Him most, we should be, but we are to shine our light so others see and glorify Him too. But it's a good thing to remember no matter who we are, young or old, we are claiming to be disciples of Christ taking on His name as Christians. What a great responsibility that should be and we don't want to bring reproach upon Him! So no matter who we are we are being observed and if we are mature and strong in the faith others will be learning from our lives and experiences. And there can be opportunity to teach others if we are walking in obedience and truth. There may be those younger in the faith even if we are young ourselves so we should all be maturing and being willing to share truth with others. We all know and have that glorious gospel to share with others no matter how old or young we are in the Lord! 

As that scripture says, about the older women being teachers to the younger obviously they have been through more of life and in the faith and can share from all that. We all face trials and storms in this life and most likely because of our faith and the spiritual battle we are in. But there can be other trials too of life that much can be learned from too. Obviously our spiritual and physical life are connected so we learn how to go through physical trials in the right way with an eternal perspective and with the Lord as our help. 

And of course no one is perfect no matter how old or how long they have been in the faith! We all should be striving for perfection but if we all wait till we were perfect until we helped share truth or wisdom then we never would! We all are different and have different gifts in the body but we can all do our part to edify it in love. And in reality we all learn from each other as we share encouragement from the Word and use our gifts and personalities to edify the body. 

But in this case at hand, the younger woman must be teachable and willing to be learning the things for godly women. In the body of Christ we are all to love the Lord first and foremost so that would be striving to keep His commandments. And for us it is the ones for godly women...and the others that apply of course. And cultivating the fruits of the Spirit etc. The younger could be asking questions or being formally taught however it's done but there is always so much to learn and we never stop learning no matter how old we get to be! 

We are all to be subject one to another, serving one another, preferring one another before ourselves etc. So we know a godly woman would not be acting in a controlling, lording over way. No, she will teach in love for the Lord and for her younger sisters in Christ. So it would be a loving relationship rather as sisters learning in the Lord the younger willing to learn and grow and the older caring and guiding the younger to the ways for godly women. 

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

1 Peter 5:5

That's a beautiful thing...God's ways always are and it's what we fight for against our flesh and the enemy. 

We know we can learn from other's mistakes and what not to do. We are all learning and if everyone is willing to grow learn and share humbly and without respect of persons and pride it is a beautiful thing. It is all for our love of the Lord! He is worthy to be striving for! The hope of eternal life is also before us if we endure!

I love this one...by love serve one another. 

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

Galatians 5:13


And this would apply to the all of us... 

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

1 Corinthians 10:12

We never want to think that we are anything or that we know it all lest we fall. Most of all because God hates pride. 

So what a blessing it is for young women to have kind and caring older women to teach them in the ways of a godly saint! And yes it may be a rare thing in these last days but if you have it, treasure it! Glory and praise to the Lord for all things! 

So that is it from me today sisters. I'm sure there is more to add but that is all I have for now. There can be so many different aspects to think of in this life and room to grow for us all no matter where we are in the faith. Hope it could edify you in some way. 

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 

In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:  

In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

Ephesians 2:20-22

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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