Remembering this...
As we know in the last times we may have to go through the great tribulation which is coming upon this earth. Today we must be preparing for potentially having to endure much hardship and persecution because of our faith. But...
Glorifying Christ in the everyday. "whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
Honestly, God created these insects with some amazing abilities; not only to make honey and beeswax but they live together and work in some complex ways that only the great Creator could accomplish.
Honey etc is mentioned around 60 times in it must have been an important food in those lands.
In the past, I enjoyed working with beeswax. It's fascinating but I'm sure you can imagine, VERY messy! I would add the dirty beeswax to some muslin-type fabric and tie it up and boil it in water. The wax came through the fabric and the dirt remained inside. Then it would set hard on top of the water...then you could either melt it to filter it again or pour it into moulds.
As I was reading in the Psalms this morning I was noticing a lot of verses about fear...and instead trusting in the Lord.
Yes the world is fearful these days. And yes sometimes I know we have to fight it ourselves as saints for various reasons. But we know if we are obedient daughters of the Lord He is on our side and He will deliver.
Are we women ready to face the holy holy holy God? Are we obeying all the Lord would have us to do and striving daily to be faithful?
Just a thought for your day. I hope and pray it might encourage you to press on.
See the good news of Jesus Christ to eternal life here.
I read this verse this morning and it made me sad that people are partying around this time of year and supposedly remembering Christ coming for them. But this is what the humans did to Him.
I wanted to share again that this blog is for God's glory and for the good of others. I truly have to wait on the Lord and lean on His power and guidance. Certainly the more time I spend in the Word the more I have to share here. This blog is the Lord's...yet any mistake and error is mine of course. Sometimes I just have to leave what I say, do the best I can, and ask the Lord to use it as it is. It is easy to fear that someone might misunderstand something as there are so many different ways to say something and you wonder if you left anything out that was important. Yes I could spend hours and hours making sure everything is "just right"...but that would not necessarily be making the best use of the time the Lord has given. So I pray the Lord will use my humble offering for good; to edify, and encourage, or to convict if necessary or to comfort the saints, the holy women of God.
Yes I am young and so I might not know all the things some of you women face. I have not been out and about in the world much. And so perhaps some of what I share is repetitive and not very relevant to some of you but I hope the scriptures and perhaps a few of my thoughts might encourage you. Also to know I am out here striving on to obey God in all things in my corner of the world where God has me may encourage some of you that you are not alone. I might just be living a simple plain life but I pray I might be able to also encourage someone out there to greater zeal in the ways of a godly woman.
I also read this this morning...
Psalm 60:11
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.