My Post for December 26th

Greetings from Australia! 

I hope this finds you all striving strong and faithful in the Lord. 

I read this verse this morning and it made me sad that people are partying around this time of year and supposedly remembering Christ coming for them. But this is what the humans did to Him. 

"As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:"
Isaiah 52:14

I know it was all part of God's plan of salvation...but it's because of our sin that He came. Yes we are so thankful that He died to set us free...but because we love Him we want to obey Him. Praise God our Saviour has been glorified...and so shall we be too if we endure faithful. 

"But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept."
2 Corinthians 15:20

I wanted to share again that this blog is for God's glory and for the good of others. I truly have to wait on the Lord and lean on His power and guidance. Certainly the more time I spend in the Word the more I have to share here. This blog is the Lord's...yet any mistake and error is mine of course. Sometimes I just have to leave what I say, do the best I can, and ask the Lord to use it as it is. It is easy to fear that someone might misunderstand something as there are so many different ways to say something and you wonder if you left anything out that was important. Yes I could spend hours and hours making sure everything is "just right"...but that would not necessarily be making the best use of the time the Lord has given. So I pray the Lord will use my humble offering for good; to edify, and encourage, or to convict if necessary or to comfort the saints, the holy women of God. 

Yes I am young and so I might not know all the things some of you women face. I have not been out and about in the world much. And so perhaps some of what I share is repetitive and not very relevant to some of you but I hope the scriptures and perhaps a few of my thoughts might encourage you. Also to know I am out here striving on to obey God in all things in my corner of the world where God has me may encourage some of you that you are not alone. I might just be living a simple plain life but I pray I might be able to also encourage someone out there to greater zeal in the ways of a godly woman.

I also read this this morning...

Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.

Psalm 60:11

Reminds me also how many trust in politics or a man to "save us". But it can encourage us sisters to not look to any human for real and lasting help also but to the Lord. Yes having and knowing other true saints is absolutely wonderful...but we may not always have those and may well need to fight on in the faith alone...until it's our time to be with the Father. God has His faithful remnant out there fighting battles of their own in the Spirit. 

This verse also comes to mind...

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

Psalm 20:7

We sisters can't allow ourselves to be trusting in anything other than the Lord. All else will or could fail us...but God never will. 

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Proverbs 3:5-6

Also I am talking to myself on all things I write here. I just share what comes to mind that might be beneficial. Truly I have learnt to trust my blogging here to the Lord more than ever because I felt I couldn't do it on my own. I can only give to you sisters as the Lord has given to me. All glory to Him. I am so glad that some of you readers have said you have been blessed by this blog. Praise God for that. I wouldn't be writing to you like this if it wasn't for the Lord and the great hope I have in Him through the gospel. Truly it was other faithful saints blogs that helped me to see through the deception and lies of maybe I can help someone to see the life God calls His daughters to as well. 

Sometimes I think my writings are rather one-sided. I mean I can really only speak of what I know which is my life as a single young woman striving to be obedient to the Lord. No we are not all supposed to be the same by any means (except in unity of doctrine etc of course). We all have been called to follow Christ in different situations and locations. And it is the Lord's will that we rejoice and be thankful in whatever calling we have. Mine might be a quiet life of serving my family in housework, baby care, or animal work for the most part. Some godly women might be married or helpers to husbands in ministry or many different circumstances. In the body of Christ, we all have something to do whether it be considered big or small it is all necessary. Remembering that we know serving others is the greatest job in the kingdom of God. Christ Himself showed us that at the last meal with His disciples...then He died for them. We are to do our work to be pleasing to the Lord and not to please men. 

So I have really just rambled on here today with no particular subject. But I hope you are perhaps again encouraged that I am striving on here as best I can. And my day today may have been just a bit of housework and some animal care for the most part and heaps of pondering about the things of God and what to share with you all here, but I lived for the Lord another day. And that's how we will go on striving faithful. I have to remember to be patient if a situation isn't the way I want. Trust all things to the Lord. 

Similarly I had to be patient to take this video of the mosquitoes here today. It's been a hot day and this evening to be honest I think they were the worst I've seen them here. It doesn't really show them but I couldn't stand still any longer. They were all around my hands and face just as thick. It might make you smile:-)

I titled my post the way I did because I absolutely agree with another sister who says she has trouble with what to title her blog posts sometimes. I couldn't think of one today:-) I'm sure no one will mind. It's just my encouragement to you out there to continue to press on in the ways of God...and I'm here too striving on. 

To God be the glory for opening our eyes to His truth. May we press on with what we know and seek deeper in His Word. We will mature and grow stronger in Him. 

Perhaps there may be some readers who are not walking in all the ways of a godly woman or who has not been born again by God's Spirit. I encourage you to repent and obey the Lord in all His ways. See the gospel at the link below. Many are deceived and disobedient in these last days...and it will not be well with them unless they repent and obey the gospel. 

Love and blessings to you all. 

See the gospel to eternal life here