The Quiet Life of a Servant

Yes, for godly women our lives are centered around serving (godly men too of course but for women it is somewhat different, going on the purpose for what God created woman in the first place, Genesis 2:18). 

First, she is a servant of God, then perhaps she has a husband, or she assists other people in their needs...or whatever place she has in life. There are many opportunities to see the needs around and minister in them.

Whatever the circumstances, we should see it all as a joy. It is what glorifies God, which is what we should be living for daily. Joy is one fruit of the Spirit and soberness of mind another attribute of a godly woman. So must all these qualities be balanced. In a heart born by the Spirit, these will all produce an inner peace and contentment of a daughter of the Highest. 

We do see in scripture many examples of women labouring hard to support their families and in the body of Christ we see them ministering to those preaching the gospel (Jesus and Paul etc); a very important support role indeed!

This is by no means an in depth study of the subject but just a quick encouragement to other godly women (and in that I include myself, as a reminder:-) that God is pleased when we joyfully serve others, if we can do it with a clear conscience without sinning of course, as we must live for Christ first and foremost. 

For those seeking to be a Titus 2 keeper at home...yes God is pleased when we do those things that the world says is unimportant. It is obedience to His commands...and we know His commands are not grievous.

And this all also goes along with being content and not looking around at others in envy and coveting what we do not have or should not have. When a woman humbly submits to her God-c
reated role, it is a beautiful thing and glorifying to her Creator. To rebel is a grave error and one we see from the beginning of mankind in the garden and up to this present time until the Lord comes to restore it all. The Lord has made both man and woman as He saw fit and so why would we humans dare to think that we know better (pride)? The Lord is the Potter and we the clay. So may we submit to His Will and be willing vessels that He can then use for His purposes. 

For me, I live a very quiet (yet busy) life, labouring to serve where the Lord has called me (as a helper and babysitter for my family). And that is repeatedly day in, day out, doing the same keeper at home things. Yes as women who keep the home (their own or some one else's), it may seem that most all you do is wash dishes and wash clothes and cook and do all the countless odd jobs that need to be done to keep a household running smoothly, all the while tending to little ones perhaps. But I remind myself, yes that is pleasing to God because He commands women to be about the home (Titus 2, Proverbs 31 etc), except in a few cases perhaps where a woman may need to work outside the home to support herself (especially in a sinful world where she may need to separate from family etc for the Lord's sake). 

While I may be like a servant to my family, I am free in the Lord and I am striving to live a set apart life in a wicked and deceived world. And so for now, I trust Him that that is what He has for me to do as I strive to live for Him first and keep myself unspotted from the world. So on those days when you wonder a little if this is what we women are to do even if it seems mundane at times...yes I remind myself...and I remember that l do my serving unto the Lord.

So in conclusion and in keeping with 1 Peter 3:4, "But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.", we see it is highly pleasing to God for women to be quietly going about their lives minding their own business. And also in keeping with the command to be a light shining for Christ, we also need to be strong and well studied in the Word and ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Him. 

I could write more on this subject but for now just be encouraged that just as the women who have gone before us, we must be in our place as serving others as unto the Lord and this is our love for the Lord for He commands it of us.

This description of a godly widow sounds a lot like a good example for us to strive to follow, "Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work." (1 Timothy 5:10)

I'm aiming for that, and I pray you all are too.

But even if you are busy you can still take pictures of God's Creation sometimes...even with a baby in your arms (my niece:-). These are a few I took in the last few days. Such variety He created!


Remember this verse all you godly women out there who are faithfully serving in whatever job you have! 

And finally also remember godly women, we serve to please God first and then we do it unto others. But our outward actions will mean nothing to God lest we have been born by the Spirit by the true gospel. Check out The Gospel here.

May the Lord be glorified in our lives as we strive to be obedient daughters of the most High God. Then we may gather with the Lord and all His saints and receive the rewards of our labours if we strive on faithful to the finish line.