Zucchini Fritters

Hello Titus 2 sister saints! 

Today I'm sharing a zucchini fritter recipe I like to use. This one is good because it uses a LOT of zucchini...and that is often the goal if you have your own plants! (Perhaps not if you're buying them though.) 

2kg (4.5lb) zucchini 

5 tsp salt 

6 eggs

1 onion finely chopped

150ml coconut flour

1.5 tsp garlic powder (or a few cloves of fresh minced) 

1.5 tsp salt

1.5 tsp black pepper

Add the 5 tsp of salt to the grated zucchini in a colander over the sink. Mix in. (The salt helps draw water out of the zucchini so it fries better.) 

After about ten minutes put the zucchini in batches into a tea towel (or some clean fabric or a nut milk bag etc) to wring out as much water as possible. 

This was all the water I got out... 

I'm sure you could save it to put in soups if you like! (I haven't tried that yet though. I'm sure it has good nutrients in it.)

Mix together the rest of the ingredients and add the squeezed zucchini... 

(a note about coconut flour...it's very different to other flours so cannot be directly substituted. You need to use about 3-4 times less than regular flour so if you want to experiment with a different flour type you can do your research. I'm just using it as those I cook for are on a gluten free diet etc.)

Shape and then fry in oil... 

This is quite a large recipe so you might want to halve it, depending on how many you're cooking for or if you want leftovers. Praise God for providing good healthy foods to keep us going in His work! 

Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

Acts 14:17

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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