Today's Encouragement (23 March 2023)

Greetings sisters!

I come to you in His love! Hope all is well in your day and life! 

Those spring flowers a sister shared are so pretty and I'm sure a welcome sight after winter. Amazing the opposite seasons in the north and south and they keep changing over year after year while the earth remains. Glory to the Creator of it all! 

I'm doing my own personal study on fear in the scriptures. I know I will see much about fearing God and not fearing circumstances. But it's awesome to study particular subjects to get a greater biblical perspective in things. 

I share this scripture for one example... 

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.

Exodus 20:20 

Yeah...the fear of God leads us away from sin doesn't it sisters?! Amen it does. 

Cute lil baby creatures... 

Flock of pelicans in flight... 
Amazing that such big birds can fly. Yet I guess it's not in a way because nothing is impossible with God! But all such things are just a testimony to Him throughout the whole world. 

I've had a busy Titus 2 day. I'd share a meal I cooked if I could... 

Thankful for many things, we sisters are! 

Another scripture reading to edify.... 

I guess that's all for now sisters. I hope you were edified and encouraged as I am by my few sisters I know who are striving matter what! Hold fast...till He comes! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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