The Truth About Anabaptists

Greetings godly sisters, 

I hope you are all pressing on in the Lord today and abiding in His precious truth! 

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:31-32

Today I want to share something a bit different. And I do this because I see the great spiritual danger in the world first of all with all denominations (Mormon, JW, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, 'non-denominational' etc). But I want to here warn any women seeking truth about the particular dangers of the anabaptist faith. One of the reasons I do this is because when I was seeking more truth I was drawn to anabaptists as they definitely seemed to have more truth and obedience to the scriptures. But now I know otherwise and much has been revealed about them that is ugly and plain wicked. But I still think there is more potential for sheep to wander into them rather than the worldly churches which most see through if they are truly seeing the scriptures. But the anabaptists can do a reasonably good job of appearing 'beautiful' on the outside like the whitened sepulchres Jesus spoke about...but in the end their heart is shown and it is not for the full truth of the gospel. And if you may say there may be some sincere people in there with them...and yes there could be who God will lead out of there, most are just sincere to their false religion and partial to their people and tradition because they (most all) do not repent once shown truth. We can see their corrupt fruit once tested to the Word. 

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 7:21

Let's remember that satan knows the scriptures very well also sisters. We remember not to go by anyone quoting scriptures to defend some of what they do. We live by every word of God and test all things don't we. And at times their lips can say a lot of good things but we know not to be deceived by what people say. 

He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Mark 7:6-7

So my introduction to anabaptists was that many of the homeschool books I used growing up were from Mennonite publishing companies. And I also heard their sermons and read many of their books. So when I was older and seeking truth I naturally looked in their direction because they 'seemed' to be closer to the truth in many ways than the regular worldly type 'Christians'. And I was hungry for much more than was around me. 

But I am glad I didn't get swept away in them but God led me to the real truth found in His Word and obeying Him and not false man made traditions. We must learn to discern/test/examine all things to the Word not to what our flesh likes, or to the world or culture,  or even what those in authority over us (family, friends) believe and do etc. 

And God did use some faithful saints warning about them (and many other man made false ways) to alert me to the dangers of them. I'm so thankful for that and hope to do the same with writing this all also. 

Since many anabaptists call themselves Mennonites because they claim to agree with the teachings of Menno Simon's but today they have really drifted away from his more biblical doctrines. And sure a long time ago they may have been more biblical but today are so far from the truth just like so many are falling further away from truth. 

Here is one example that is perhaps their favorite false doctrine that they wield over people which would rip a godly family/marriage apart (and get each godly spouse to go and live with a wicked unbeliever etc). They teach falsely on divorce/remarriage. While of course we don't follow men (and that's another sin of theirs, naming themselves after this or that man - Menno, Hutter, Ammann), they have developed their own doctrine on this. And it makes them become very prideful against those who had sin in their lives before following Christ and have since come to Him and strive to live holy from then on. 

They remind me of this scripture right away... 

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

Luke 18:11

And all the while they are living in many other sins. I hope they repent of them all and see and know God's heart and forgiveness and cleansing on those who have become born of Him. And I hope the same for themselves...that they would come to repentance and leave their man made false religion and become new creations! 

Another thing to may have seen women who dressed closer to biblical than the worldly churches, and they headcovered and you thought they must be more godly women. And then you later see them dressed in jeans and skin tight pants and no headcovering and makeup and jewelry and all manner of revealing clothing. I have seen this happen in a short time in some anabaptist women and so I know it's all over the place. It's what was in their heart even if it may have been covered up with more biblical looking clothing at one time. 

And speaking of clothing, I now know the way most anabaptists dress today in tight dresses with flashy colours/patterns and sometimes tiny sheer headcoverings is not biblical at all. So while dress may be a big visible part of who someone by no means stops there. We must test all their doctrines to see if they truly are of God. We must never allow ourselves to be deceived by someone who is dressed more close to biblical and seems 'nice' and 'sincere' or 'godly' as we must look at every area of their life and doctrine to see if it lines up with scripture as well. We do not unite to people who are in false doctrines and sins. 

As women we need to be careful not to allow loneliness or looking for other women to fellowship with to pull us away from our stand on all truth. Even if we have to stand alone...we must!

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Psalm 1:1

Oh and you might say those are minor issues...but it's not only that but even what many would call the big sins (immorality, abusive behaviors, drunkenness, love of money etc) are among them. And with God everything does matter. And we sisters know we are to strive for perfection and blamelessness and walking worthy of such a holy Saviour. 

And yes because I am writing this to women...feminism is a big issue as well. Well they may not allow women pastors/teachers etc for the most part, there is still much of this sin as would be expected if their hearts have not been transformed and they do not obey the Word in all areas. 

We know feminism is rampant in the world and so it is among those who claim His name but in reality seem spiritually dead. But let it not be so among God's holy daughters who die to self and strive for submissive obedience to the Lord and the roles He commanded us to have. 

And it seems they're also very proud of their heritage and traditions and reluctant to leave what they've grown up in as for most it's all they've known. Of course there's all different types/divisions but if you know the truth you can see where their heart is and it is often very worldly and wicked just like the rest of the lost. Don't be deceived sisters by any facade they may have. 

So that's some truth that I felt led to write and warn anyone who was like me looking to the anabaptists for more truth instead of just going to the scriptures alone and testing all things etc and rejecting false ways of man. Hope that may help someone else to be diverted from being swallowed up in that form of false religion of our day. Please repent if you have any association with them or their false doctrines (Christmas, Easter, Lord's day worship, man made traditions imposed on people for church 'membership', unbiblical baptism etc). Sisters, we can share the gospel with them and warn them and then we must leave them and not keep having dealings with them (lest we be hypocrites and like unto them). 

I remember an anabaptist woman who has a blog that I reached out to to talk about gospel truth with...and she didn't have time to talk it seems even though she can blog about all the many worldly trashy books and novels she reads let alone the hours, days, and months she spends reading them. It's sad but true that they are not in the truth so we hope they repent and leave all man made religion like all must do to follow Christ in spirit and in truth. 

I know some saints who often encounter anabaptists and have seen much up close and personal of them so I know this is all true (and many more troubling ways). The light exposes sin and we love the light don't we sisters and don't want to be a partakers of or cover up sin when it could deceive the undiscerning. Hold fast to the truth of the Word and keep striving on even if it has to be alone. The Lord is worthy and it will be worth it and nothing is worth losing our soul over for short lived flesh pleasing on this earth. 

Let's follow the true traditions that we are commanded to and not the ones made up by men. 

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

2 Thessalonians 2:15

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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