Today's Encouragement (15 December 2022)

Greetings godly sisters! 

I'm back again...letting you know I'm still here and striving on in the Lord! And coming back to share some edification and such with you even if it's simple. Busy days I have in many good things. And fellowshipping with sisters I know and being edified by the brethren is important to me and I am glad for the ability to do so throughout my day of Titus 2 works. 

I find making coconut butter intriguing... 

Dried coconut alone turning into something liquid just by blending. Then again there's other intriguing things like turning cream into butter. Or egg whites into meringue (and even the liquid from a can of chickpeas can be!). 

Spice blessings... 

Which are extra blessings above simple food! It's awesome to be able to taste many different flavours etc! 

Thank you sister for the scripture picture gifts:-) The sister was also sharing about how many scriptures there are on wisdom. And we know the Lord is the source of all true wisdom! How prideful it is to be wise in our own eyes or with worldly wisdom. 

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

Proverbs 3:7

And we know fearing Him is the beginning of wisdom! 

Let us cling to true wisdom from the Lord and He can help us get more if we ask in faith can't He! 

Hold fast sisters! We remember this is a fight and a race and spiritual battle don't we sisters. Let's keep pressing on in it! 

Love to you all, 

Sister Michaela 

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