Today's Encouragement (11 October 2022)

Hello sisters!

Hope you're all well and strong in the Lord! 

I've had a long and busy day (looking after children and housework etc)...but I'm dropping back here still. Sharing some older scripture pictures with you. His Word never grows old though! 

Hope you're edified! Much to ponder in each one. 

What awesome words of truth! Praise God as we're so blessed to have them! Let's keep treasuring them we can't know or trust anything if we can't trust the Lord and His Word! He is the truth...forever! 

(You can find many more encouraging scripture pictures at my Facebook profile here.) 

Hold fast sisters and keep patiently going about your Titus 2 good works remembering we were created to do them! 

Love in Christ,

Sister Michaela

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