Today's Encouragement (7 September 2022)

Greetings sisters! 

Here's a new day for me to share some edification for my sisters! 

Hope you're holding fast to the truth and striving on right where you are! 

I love this scripture... 

I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.

Psalm 119:59-60

That's definitely what we want to be like isn't it sisters. We don't want to take any of it lightly. 

Good big cauliflower blessing from the garden... 

Made into soup... 

The Lord provided again! He is good and merciful! 

Today I saw this huge mushroom which must be the biggest one I've ever seen... 

And finished sewing more headcoverings... 

The Lord has blessed me with a lot of sewing I am going to be very busy for several weeks in between going away to look after the littles ones. But one day at a time and let's see what the Lord has for all of us. We don't even know if we will get tomorrow here on this earth do we. 

Praise God for good work to do and we don't have to be like these women... 

We sure do know that women can talk and talk and talk (about things they ought not). And we know many are caught up in idle pleasures and as it is also written, those who live in pleasures are dead while they live. We sisters want to be occupied in good and useful and not vain things! And we want to speak only that which we should also. 

And that relates to this scripture too... 

That is a precious be His daughters! 

God's Word sums up what we ought to be doing here... 

Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
1 Peter 2:17

Glad we have truth and direction in this life! And thank you sister for sharing all those scripture messages today. We love His Word and want to live by it all and not pick and choose what we like. That would be pride wouldn't it thinking of God's creations, knows better than Him. 

I must go now but I leave with a scripture a sister added to my picture... 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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