Today's Encouragement (20 June 2022)

Hello godly sisters! 

I'm back here for a little bit, sharing whatever comes to edify you in the things of God. Hope your day is a good one and you are looking to the Lord and past all the cares of this life and satan's distractions. 

We know we have to endure in this faith life...until the very end. We have work to do each day to remain faithful to our Saviour. We know it's a battle yet until we receive our crown of life. 

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.

Luke 10:2-3

And we sisters get to work for the Lord where we have been called being salt and light and standing against the compromise of our day. We get to share that hope of the gospel with others. And we know it's so rare that anyone wants to truly follow Christ into death with Him picking up our cross and dying to the world and self...but being alive from the dead and walking in freedom and newness of life! Christ truly came to set us free...from many things. But not like many believe give us freedom to sin and live an easy life. But we still keep pressing on as we know our God is faithful and true and rewards those who diligently seek Him. 

And let's not forget the importance of just being godly Titus 2 obediently in our roles God Himself created us for. And that was to be helpers to the man and under authority. And if we keep the right focus of living to be pleasing to God not people we will do much better in being content and thankful to just be godly women not out looking for attention or fame or living in pride in our looks and clothing etc. God sees and knows everything we do even if we live and work in our homes most of the time for those that do. 

Pretty view out of my window... 

We appreciate God's creations and we give Him glory for it all. 

It's hard to see all the sparkles in the trees from the rain but it was absolutely beautiful and so pretty all over! 

And a pretty sunset too on a cold day... 

Amen He alone is worthy! Thank you sister for sharing that one! 

Well I think I will go now sisters. Treasure the truth you have and let's keep encouraging each other to press on in the Lord and not grow wearing in doing good! 

Much love to you in Christ,

Sister Michaela

Find the gospel explained here.