Today's Encouragement (25 January 2022)


Greetings sisters! 

How are you? I'm back again! 

A sister and I were talking about how sometimes we can't just easily come up with something to share on our blogs...sometimes when it just isn't coming. But we encouraged each other not to stress about such things...and that there's nothing wrong with saying so and being real. But the love and intent is still there and we do our best. I'm sure you all have days where it seems you weren't making much progress on anything but we need to be content in that all too...if we were doing our best. So today I share a collection of older scripture pictures (decided to go with pink flowers:-) from my big stash of such pictures from over the months. Hope God's Word on His awesome creation encourages you! I know it will because His Word always does that! 

Let's ponder these all sisters... 

Amen sisters and what great encouragements they all are. 

And after a day of technology challenges, I was blessed with a reminder of why we do all what we do. It's so refreshing to remember why we are labouring in obedience and our ministries whatever they are...especially when most think you're strange for doing so. How ungrateful if we just went and lived our own lives after He did so much for us! Well we wouldn't if we are truly believing on Him and have been changed by His holy Spirit! And we have our mission to do of being His witnesses to the lost also. 

And we have that blessed hope to come if we endure, fighting on faithfully to the end! 

(Thank you sister for sharing that one today:-) 

OK sisters, time for me to go and leave this here for you. Hope it all encourages matter what is shared...little or much. Let's keep following after our Saviour, not turning aside to the things He hates of sin and darkness, but stedfastly striving to obey Him in all our ways. 

He is worthy...worthy of our life of labouring in His service. 

Love in Christ our Lord, 

Sister Michaela 

Find the gospel explained here.