The Righteous - Bold as a Lion


Hello sister soldier saints!

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 2:3

A good soldier of Jesus Christ...I like that! But it obviously means we need to be strong to endure hardness! Over and over Jesus Himself and those He chose told us to expect hard things in order to follow after Him. We are to deny ourselves to the point of death for His sake aren't we. We know we have eternal life to come if we remain faithful to the end but for today anyway we have a battle to fight. 

A sister was sharing these scriptures with me yesterday... 

Let us not fear, sisters! We have the God of the universe with us...why should we fear? Sometimes of course we do but we must work to overcome that. 

All strengthening verses right? (Thanks for sharing them with me sister:-) 

It's so true if we look and focus on certain situation in our lives we may not like or a trial we get swept away in our flesh. But if we focus on the Lord and things above walking in the Spirit then we truly can press through the trials. It's about having an eternal perspective that puts all this here on earth in the right place. 

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

Acts 4:13

Although we haven't been with Jesus, or seen Him, we have what is recorded for us that we might believe on Him through the Spirit. And we too can be bold because we trust God and because our faith in Christ is real because we know God cannot lie. What great confidence we can have sisters, today so long after our Saviour came and walked the earth. 

Imagine striving for something that wasn't lasting, that was only short lived? Well we all did that in our past in various ways I'm sure. But we sisters born by the Spirit fight for endurance to eternal life! We strive to follow after Christ, to seek that which eternal!! It's a faith worth living and dying for isn't it. Think of all God did for us. We did not deserve anything...but He sent His beloved Son Himself! What love and now we can get to the Father through Him! How can we not love and want to please such a good and gracious God who did such a great sacrifice for us? Let us keep on sisters, following after Him striving to walk as He walked, obeying every command of His as best we can with the power of the Spirit, pleasing Him! 

I made you sisters an audio with a scripture reading to go long with this... 


Here's a pretty spider web creation to marvel at... 

And look at some of God's creations on my farm duties today... 

Glory to God for all He has done! He's a mighty Creator and Redeemer as well! 

OK sisters I need to go now but hope this blessed you. Hold fast in Christ sister saints! 

So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

Hebrews 13:6 

Love in our Lord,

Sister Michaela

Find the gospel to eternal life explained here