Let Our Light Shine

This post is inspired by a sister's blog post about our appearance as godly women being a visual witness for Christ. Obviously the first thing people see of anyone, including God's saints, is their clothing, their outsides. Also our faces are a reflection of what is on our insides. Of course when we are out in the world we do not speak to everyone who sees us, so how does what they briefly see bring glory to God...without any words? (And are we ready to share words?)

Our biblical and simple way of dress (and head covering), without any adornment additions of makeup or jewellery, does set us apart from the world with its cultures, fashions, and vile immodesty. And by no means do we dress this way to stand out but to be obedient to our holy Lord. Not so long ago, perhaps we would not have stood out so much, as women in our western cultures until relatively recently wore long dresses (perhaps not always biblical but still not to the vile level of nakedness we see today). So it is the culture that has changed and God's saints that will remain the same throughout all the crazy changing fashions of this world which will pass away in the end. God's Word never changes and He says how His daughters (and sons) are to dress. And of course we do not conform to the culture in order to try to reach them as then who decides how far to go and who is right? No! God's holy truth is raised above all the changing fashions of man and calls His people to separate from the sin around them.

Apart from biblical women, there are still other groups of people of different types of religions the world over that still wear dresses, skirts, or robes and headcovering etc. While they are not God's people, or necessarily biblical in the way they dress, they still dress this way nonetheless and I suppose it is good that they still have some sense of decency unlike those who have no shame in taking off most everything (clothing being our sin covering that God put humans in at the beginning). And of course our clothing means nothing if our insides/hearts are rotten and unconverted so all these people need to repent as Christ spoke against the Pharisees who were like this (Matthew 23).

But for those of us women striving to be biblical in our outward appearance of dress how are we presenting ourselves to the world? 

What I want to share is that does our conduct of our life reflect from our pure and regenerated heart and do all our actions line up with our Lord's ways. These would be the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, righteousness and truth, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:9) 
and the ways of a godly woman of a meek and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3) 
and as taught in Titus 2
"The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
and Proverbs 31 also of a diligent hard worker who looks well to the ways of her household.

It might not be something we think deeply about often but what impression does the world get of us in the brief moments they might see us as we go about our business? Does it bring glory or shame to our God?

Is our whole demeanor becoming of a true saint of God, a daughter of the Highest? 

Do we remember that there is hope in Christ for everyone in the world also? Do we truly love the people around us as the lost souls that they are (which is not just telling them that God loves them all)? They all need to repent and obey the biblical gospel of Christ (see that here). Do we look for opportunities to share the great hope we have? Are we prepared and ready to give an answer?

The Lord has raised up to be His saints a people who were just as these people in the world once. And just like Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:12-16 how he was an example that the Lord can forgive and have mercy on those who once were sinners.

While we women of God are not out lifting up our voices and preaching and teaching like the men, we are still a silent witness against the vileness of our generation and may we be ready to share the truth of the gospel as the Lord gives us opportunity. May our manner of life adorn the doctrine of Christ and not bring shame upon His name. 

Praises be to our mighty God and Saviour who has raised up a peculiar people zealous of good works. Once we were dead in sins serving divers lusts and pleasures but thanks be to God for giving us hope and forgiveness and may we all strive on for our worthy Lord! 

What a great God we serve! 

Love to you sisters who are lights in this dark world. 

...from a fellow sister striving in Christ.