The Only Real Good News

We live in a day of people wanting to hear the latest and greatest news and find out every little detail of this and that. It is a very large part of the culture and an addiction no doubt...and it reminds me of a verse in the Bible about some people long ago who were like that. 

"(For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)"
(Acts 17:21)

Not unlike our culture, I suppose, with the proliferation of media in all forms, most all of which are controlled by the world and ultimately satan.

As followers of Christ, the godly women who might read this, we are not to be of the world. We have to live in this world and sometimes world events may impact our everyday lives, and in this case perhaps we may need to use media and news to know how to plan our lives. But the world news is filled with trash and bad news, depressing news of death and vile acts and all manner of sinful things. 

So I wanted to write about the good news that everyone must know about, the refreshing and pure news in a dark world. 

That is how to find eternal life in heaven and be delivered from eternal punishment to come. Heaven and hell are matter what one chooses to believe. Why? Because the true God of the Bible who cannot lie told us so. 

Are you, precious soul, preparing for this reality? 

Our day to die might be today or tomorrow or in ten years. But it is a reality for us all, unless we live to the end of the world when Christ returns. Either way, we must be prepared. 

God tells us... 

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"
(Hebrews 9:27)

So how are we to prepare for that? 

God's Word, the Bible, tells us how. It is through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In short, it is to believe that Jesus is God and that He came to die for our sins. He shed His blood to atone for them then He rose again. We put our faith in Him.  

We must repent of our sins, turn from our ways to God's holy ways that He has shown us in His Word. 

Then God will give us a new heart that loves His ways and hates the evil. This is being born again by God's Spirit. 

We will then go on to obey all God commands us because we love Him, and will live in holiness. We will study the Bible to see what He wants us to do. 

And we must endure every day, faithful to God, and we will be growing in the faith the more we learn. 

For more information on this important news see the link here.

It is the only real thing that matters in everyone's lives, as all else will be destroyed in the end.

"And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;"
(2 Thessalonians 1:7-9)

Yes there is bad news; all not obeying Christ will be destroyed unless they repent and obey the gospel. But the very BEST news is that anyone can escape from that.

What will you do? Obey the gospel to eternal life? 

Christianity today is not what it is supposed to be. It has deceived many. Christ is the only way. Don't be deceived by the sins and man made traditions of church today. That is not the right way. There is a true and pure way and that is the ONLY way through Christ and the biblical gospel I wrote about above. 

I hope and pray you will consider all this, and the state of your own soul, before it is too late for you. I love God and you so I tell you this truth. 

Ponder that.

Written in love by a daughter of God striving to obey the gospel daily.