Today's Edification (12 September 2024)

Greetings sister saints!

I hope you are well and trusting in the Lord our Rock through whatever is in your life today! There's times and seasons and busy times and quieter ones and harder times and easier ones but we sisters have our unchangeable Lord and His truth right through it all! We are most blessed. Doesn't mean things will be easy but with such a mighty God on our side and with us, an ever present help in trouble, we have great hope in Him! 

I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. 

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

Psalm 18:1-3

Yes we must wait on Him but that doesn't mean we don't have to think and plan and use wisdom and make decisions and things and deal with all the physical details and trials of this life. But He is our strength and hope and we must set our affections on things above. Sometimes things can crowd our mind when we have to figure out a problem especially but we are limited and can't think of everything at once. But let us trust in Him to guide and lead us and give us patience in all things. 

Just sharing some random pictures here from my busy days! Been a lot of regular Titus 2 works and helping with children but sometimes there's something that stands out to take a picture of or something if I can. Pretty creations or food blessings the Lord provides and glimpses of my days I guess! 

This was a really pretty view yesterday... 

With rain coming in and the green grass and the sun was so bright before it got covered by the cloud. A beautiful earth God made. 

Plenty of pancakes to share... 

Leftover oatmeal ones again (which you can find the recipe here). 

His creations...just pretty and peaceful even if you only get a quick chance to appreciate them sometimes in the midst of everything. 

Two double yolk eggs in the pan there and believe it or not there were two more eggs with double yolks in the dozen carton! I just thought that was interesting since it's so rare to have even one. And these are just ones brought from the store too. 

This was happening here... 

Some major works. There was a patch of rotten floor so it needed to be fixed. The children were fascinated, but also a close eye needed to be kept on the little crawler boy especially! It was deeper than I thought under the don't want anyone falling in! 

Would share delicious fried fish... 

Shared how I do it now here. (Well I just figured out and researched how to recently as they weren't turning out exactly the best beforehand!) 

Would share a fruit salad too... 

It's just amazing all the variety of fruits God created! And all the variety in all His creations are astounding! 

I got asked to make some garlic salve... 

Yeah it's pretty strong but supposed to be good for coughs and things. It's coconut oil, olive oil, garlic, and lavender oil, blended. Just been a long cold going on a lot was getting tried to see if it helps!

And some flowers for my sisters... 

More and more of those coming out for springtime! It's a blessing to be able to see them and that they exist! Glory to God for all good things (cuz we don't deserve them)! 

I'm sure all my sisters are busy in good works and also have many blessings and get to see God's creations wherever you are! Even if we had to live in the inner city for some reason surrounded by hard and cold 'man made' objects there would be His creations still! We might have to look up to the sky and clouds or see a little bird somewhere and see a flower or a tree growing amongst it all but even there God allowed man to make concrete and bricks and glass and metal and all sorts of things so we can still give God glory for man being able to make many useful things despite how ugly they may be. Man thinks He can do without God...but He can't. But wherever we are we are His creations and we want to obey Him just as the sun and moon and stars and plants and animals do too! 

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 4:11

Strive on in Him sisters! Lord willing I will be back again tomorrow here. I'm hoping to travel back for a few days again hopefully tomorrow but let's see. Then I'll have sewing to do and gardening I'm sure but we're just so limited aren't we and can't do everything! But let us be content to do what we can. Keep labouring and not growing weary sisters! 

Much love in Christ our Lord, 

Sister Chayil 

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